
Almendron Circuit.


Trail photos

Photo ofAlmendron Circuit. Photo ofAlmendron Circuit. Photo ofAlmendron Circuit.


Trail stats

10.09 mi
Elevation gain
4,117 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
4,560 ft
Max elevation
4,821 ft
Min elevation
1,174 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
4 hours 42 minutes
6 hours 44 minutes
February 20, 2019
February 2019
Be the first to clap

near San Juan de Capistrano, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 143 times, downloaded 2 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAlmendron Circuit. Photo ofAlmendron Circuit. Photo ofAlmendron Circuit.

Itinerary description

Start/Finish El Pinarillo picnic area.
Continue north on the dirt road having parked at the picnic spot.
After approx 1k the road turns left and that is where you start going into the Barranc next to a concrete utility building with some Caves directly in front of you.
Keep going along the Barranc ignoring two cairned paths on your right. Eventually after an an hour you come to a dry waterfall wall blocking your way. You can either climb this and proceed, scrambling over a further 6 or more dry waterfalls to join a man made path. There has been a recent cliff face collapse at this point but it is still assessable.
Alternatively at the first dry waterfall turn left up the scree slope keeping to the right and follow the cairns to the start of the path.
Follow this path for a further hour zig zagging upwards until you reach a critical point. This is in a forested gulley where you turn left at a cairn and a red paint mark saying Almend. (do not follow the arrow mark N).
Continue upwards north westerly again zig zagging towards a col.
Pass a path on your left with a yellow dot and after which take any of the paths on your left heading south west.
These paths eventually merge into one path, heavily marked with differing coloured paint marks and cairns thus your traverse under the summit begins.
If you run out of markers you've probably gone wrong, retrace your steps to the last cairn and try again.
Eventually you will arrive under the distinctive almond shaped Rock which the mountain is named after, a lovely spot for lunch.
Continue on this path upwards and by all means if the weather is clear enjoy the views to the right but return to the path which will lead you back down to the end of a dirt road after a further hour.
Take another path marked by cairns on the other side of the road heading down at the end of which turn right, go past the Fuente de Esparta and on your left take a path clearly marked by a post marked GR249 back to the start, Pinarillo Car Park.


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,944 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 3,492 ft
Photo ofPhoto



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