
almas summit اریش از ده الماس تسوج


Trail photos

Photo ofalmas summit اریش از ده الماس تسوج


Trail stats

13.55 mi
Elevation gain
6,093 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,282 ft
Max elevation
9,311 ft
34 4.7
Min elevation
5,105 ft
Trail type
One Way
May 15, 2014
  • Rating

  •   4.7 1 review
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near Ālmās, East Azarbaijan (Iran)

Viewed 551 times, downloaded 14 times

Trail photos

Photo ofalmas summit اریش از ده الماس تسوج

Itinerary description

Almas summit is one of Misho chain summits with a long rout . First you have to go Tasuj then almas village and this is the start point as the map. e hiked thid peak on February in a very cold, snowy and storm day and no one could get summit. this program done with leading of Mr Nazary pour (نظری پور). I recommend April or may rather than winter if you plan to get summit, but if you like snow footing like us winter is also enjoyable, infact you need 4-5 hours to get summit and 3-4 hour for coming back according the weather and season. Have a nice tracking and in coming back enjoy the sight of the beautiful forest in right hand . The high of summit is about 2800 meters . This summit is very close to highest summit of misho called Ali Alamdar, with 3150m high, just in the north of Almas summit. go and find complete gallery.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,236 ft

شروع حرکت گروه کوهنوردی آذربایجان

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,804 ft

محل استراحت در کنار تک درخت

PictographWaypoint Altitude 8,986 ft

قله الماس

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,079 ft

پایان برنامه

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