
Al Rabi tower to beach view


Trail photos

Photo ofAl Rabi tower to beach view Photo ofAl Rabi tower to beach view Photo ofAl Rabi tower to beach view


Trail stats

3.35 mi
Elevation gain
1,017 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,119 ft
Max elevation
1,080 ft
Min elevation
-23 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
one hour 57 minutes
3 hours 17 minutes
August 23, 2020
August 2020

near Rafā‘, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 966 times, downloaded 27 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAl Rabi tower to beach view Photo ofAl Rabi tower to beach view Photo ofAl Rabi tower to beach view

Itinerary description

We started the hike at 5.15 am. Theres a car parking lot at the top of mountain , next to Rabi tower, also at the bottom of the descend.

The hike is well marked with sign boards. Climb can be tedious for beginners, but with right amount of breaks its doable.

Insane views of the port , city and the beach are assured. Our plan was to head to secret beach . But we realized it's not legal to go near the beach. You can find a photo showing the board in my gallery.

But we enjoyed the view and spend some time near the resting area.

The descend was easy , overall a good hike .

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of Fatima Suleman
    Fatima Suleman Jan 5, 2021

    Hii so did you make it for the sunrise ? Is it worth the view ?

  • Photo of Nevin Alex Chacko
    Nevin Alex Chacko Jan 5, 2021

    Sadly no. We were a bit late. But now since it's late sunrise you might be lucky if you start early. Views are really good throughout the trek.

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