
78 Mt Cooroy


Trail photos

Photo of78 Mt Cooroy Photo of78 Mt Cooroy Photo of78 Mt Cooroy


Trail stats

0.95 mi
Elevation gain
925 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
0 ft
Max elevation
1,443 ft
Min elevation
375 ft
Trail type
One Way
one hour 6 minutes
December 28, 2021
October 2016
Be the first to clap

near Cooroy Mountain, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 108 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo of78 Mt Cooroy Photo of78 Mt Cooroy Photo of78 Mt Cooroy

Itinerary description

78) Mt Cooroy - 17th October 2016
Return Distance 3km, Max Elevation 438m, Climb 320, Time 2hr, Level - Hard - Pops, Hannah, Olivia, Jessica
Co-ordinates: -26.432130, 152.952950
My Blog:
Busier than Noosa's Hastings Street!
It's all about the mountain and what a fun day with the kids getting to the top within an hour and no complaints! We knew there were going to be a lot of people climbing and recon there had to have been 500 or more on the mountain at any one point in time; about 100 on the top alone, enjoying the two splendid lookouts.
Short Description:
Mount Cooroy is 438m high and provides great views around the Sunshine Coast. Access to the mountain is through private property and public access is only available once a year at the Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival, which is held in August.
Please respect the private property and do not access without permission.
Two great lookouts at the top.
Getting there:
Take the Cooroy exit off the Bruce Highway onto Myall Street, turn right over the bridge into Elm Street. Just beyond the petrol station, turn right into Diamond Street and the right again into Miva Street, which then becomes Cooroy Mountain Road. The Festival site is on the right, at the junction of Lukes Road.
None found.
Route/Trail notes:
The track is steep and slippery most of the way, but well defined, with the grass cut back for the walk to the base of the hill. With so many on the mountain at the same time, the rubble on the track becomes very loose and extreme care needs to be taken, particularly on the way down.
Positively dangerous in wet weather. The SES are in attendance should anyone get into trouble.
The annual Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival is held in August and organised by the Rotary Club of Cooroy. There is an entry fee ($10/adult - children free in 2018), with all the proceeds going to charity. In 2015, between 700-1000 entrants raised over $10,000.
Cooroy Rotary Mountain Spring Festival
Other References/Comments:
On the day of the festival, you can climb the well defined track between 7am and 2pm. Suggest that you climb at 7am, as this is a very busy event with as many as 2,000 climbers; young and old.
More information on the area is available at Cooroy


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