
419 Yulludunida Walking Track


Trail photos

Photo of419 Yulludunida Walking Track Photo of419 Yulludunida Walking Track Photo of419 Yulludunida Walking Track


Trail stats

1.22 mi
Elevation gain
1,027 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
180 ft
Max elevation
4,062 ft
Min elevation
2,939 ft
Trail type
One Way
one hour 44 minutes
July 5, 2023
April 2015
Be the first to clap

near Kaputar, New South Wales (Australia)

Viewed 8 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo of419 Yulludunida Walking Track Photo of419 Yulludunida Walking Track Photo of419 Yulludunida Walking Track

Itinerary description

419) Yulludunida Walking Track – 30th May 2023
Return Distance 4km, Max Elevation 1,238m, Climb 337m, Time 4hr, Level - Hard - Pops, Hannah
Co-ordinates: -30.279350, 150.084360
My Blog:
I have to say that we tried to complete this walk, but the unmarked track to the ridge and then along to the top of Mt Yulludunida beat us. It would have taken us another two hours in and back and the risks were too great for someone my age.
Short Description:
Yulludunida walking track is an exhilarating 4km, 4 hour return hike. This hard walk from Green Camp car park takes you up the side of the steep bluff, a heart-pumping 340-metre rise in altitude. Adventurous and experienced bushwalkers will be rewarded with uninterrupted 360° views across Mount Kaputar National Park and North West New South Wales.
Yulludunida walking track includes a breathtaking bird’s eye view of the mountain’s crater, one of the most impressive examples of a ring dyke (Mountain Spa) in Australia. You'll notice the woodland trees become sparser as the contorted shapes of the crater appear.
Getting there:
From Narrabri, take Old Gunnedah Road south and after about 2.5km, turn left onto Kaputar Road. Follow Kaputar Road for 27km to the entrance of Mount Kaputar National Park where Green Camp car park is on the right and the start of this walk.
Beyond this point the road is a steep, single lane road and caravans are not permitted.
Mount Kaputar Walking Tracks
Route/Trail notes:
It’s a steep climb up the stairs through woodland on a marked track to the bottom of the ridge crossing an old dingo-proof fence. The landscape opens up to a spectacular rocky panorama that looks like it is straight out of central Australia.
Beyond this point there is no track, but the objective is to take a diagonal route to the top of the ridge, which is hard going. Once on the top of the ridge, the walk along the top past the Mountain Spa is less arduous
Keep watching while bushwalking for scurrying lizards, patrolling birds of prey and hardy heath wildflowers growing out of bare rock.
Other References/Comments:
With so many bushwalking options here and a length drive in, why not take advantage of the excellent camping facilities at Bark Hut or Dawsons Spring.
Mount Kaputar National Park


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