
404 Kinaba Track



Trail stats

3.91 mi
Elevation gain
23 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
23 ft
Max elevation
297 ft
Min elevation
-25 ft
Trail type
One Way
2 hours 50 minutes
April 11, 2023
August 2016
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1 comment

near Cootharaba, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 19 times, downloaded 1 times

Itinerary description

404) Kinaba Track - 2nd April 2023
Return Distance 12.6km, Max Elevation 10m, Climb 10m, Time 4hr, Level - Easy – Pops
Co-ordinates: -26.233560, 153.026590
My Blog:
This was a long slog on a hot day, with very little of interest along the way. The reward was the Information Centre on the side of Lake Cootharaba and a welcome breeze on the top deck to eat my lunch.
Short Description:
Cabbage palm and paperbark wetlands feature along this popular walk to the Sir Thomas Hiley Information Centre Kinaba on the shores of Lake Cootharaba from Elanda.
Getting There:
Head to Boreen Point along McKinnon Drive, turning right into Louis Bazzo Drive. As you enter Boreen Point, the road takes a sharp right into Laguna Street, but turn left into Lake Flat Road and follow this for 2km and on a left hand bend, you will see the gravel road into Habitat Noosa Everglades Ecocamp on your right. The public car park is on the right just before the private campsite, where all the walks start.
Cooloola Recreation Area
Route/Trail Notes:
The walk starts from across the gravel road from the car park and is well signposted mostly on mown tracks and fire trails. The first section takes you around the campsite before heading out towards Mill Point where you carry straight on and past the Elanda Track junction and right where the Cooloola Wilderness Trail exit to your left, past the wild pig/dog trap and out to the Kinaba Information Centre.
The last 600m tracks Kin Kin Creek and is when the mosquitoes and flies turn up, so spray up.
Return by the same route.
Other References/Comments:
Note that the jetty and boardwalk beyond the Information Centre is currently closed (2023) for safety reasons.
Page 94 Take a Walk in South East QLD ISBN 9780957793170

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of pops7421
    pops7421 Apr 11, 2023

    For some reason the elevation details on the GPS came out wrong, as this is pretty much a flat walk.

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