
364 Riverbank Walkway


Trail photos

Photo of364 Riverbank Walkway Photo of364 Riverbank Walkway Photo of364 Riverbank Walkway


Trail stats

1.65 mi
Elevation gain
3 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3 ft
Max elevation
752 ft
Min elevation
745 ft
Trail type
One Way
36 minutes
June 15, 2021
May 2021
Be the first to clap

near Saint George, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 70 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo of364 Riverbank Walkway Photo of364 Riverbank Walkway Photo of364 Riverbank Walkway

Itinerary description

364) Riverbank Walkway - 17th May 2021 - NEW
Return Distance 5.3km, Max Elevation 229m, Climb 2m, Time 1.5hr, Level - Easy - Pops
Co-ordinates: -28.030690, 148.586730
My Blog:
It is 8am and freezing cold, but I have a big day ahead and I need to tick this one off before heading out through the cotton fields to Dalby. Despite the cold, I thoroughly enjoyed this walk along the banks of the Balonne River, with only the joggers, dog walkers and mist rising off the river to keep me company.
Short Description:
Car weary legs will appreciate this stretch of shady riverbank walkway flanking the town. A star feature, the Riverbank Walkway includes the Jack Taylor Weir and Andrew Nixon Bridge at the far end, with its commemorative stone to mark Sir Thomas Mitchell’s crossing of the Balonne River on St George’s Day back in 1846. Along the riverbank walkway, markers showcases the flood heights and history of the swollen Balonne River from years gone by.
Getting There:
In St George, turn down any road towards the river and once on St George Terrace, turn right and head north to the junction of Church Street, where there is a small car park.
None found.
Route/Trail Notes:
From the car park, head out along the Riverbank Walkway that will lead you all the way down to the Andrew Nixon road bridge and Jack Taylor Weir. Cross the road to Cavanough Park and then turn and return by the same route.
Other References/Comments:
There is some real history of flooding in the area provided along the walk and beware of the Bees!


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