
343 Remarkable Rocks


Trail photos

Photo of343 Remarkable Rocks Photo of343 Remarkable Rocks Photo of343 Remarkable Rocks


Trail stats

0.51 mi
Elevation gain
72 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
26 ft
Max elevation
174 ft
Min elevation
162 ft
Trail type
One Way
18 minutes
April 9, 2021
March 2021
Be the first to clap

near Karatta, South Australia (Australia)

Viewed 71 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo of343 Remarkable Rocks Photo of343 Remarkable Rocks Photo of343 Remarkable Rocks

Itinerary description

343) Remarkable Rocks - 20th March 2021 - NEW
Return Distance 1.2km, Max Elevation 53m, Climb 3m, Time 0.75hr, Level - Easy - Pops, Elaine, Hannah, Rachel
Co-ordinates: -36.044550, 136.757540
My Blog:
Yes, well, 'remarkable' is an apt description. What more can you say!
Short Description:
A standout structure teetering on a barren granite monolith at the cliff's edge. Sculptures by wind, rain and sea stray over 500 million of years and would not look out of place in an art gallery.
Getting There:
Travel from Penneshaw or Kingscote to the airport junction. Here, you can take the northern route in on the Playford Highway via Parndana and then onto West End Highway, or the southern access along South Coast Highway via Vivonne Bay. In both cases, you reach the Ranger Station at the entry to the park. From here you travel down Cape du Couedic Road and then left onto Boxer Drive (signposted) to the Remarkable Rocks and its car park.
Kangaroo Island Walks and Hikes
Route/Trail Notes:
A single route in from the car park past the Facilities Building (being rebuilt in April 2021) out to the monolith on which the granite rocks sit. View from various angles as you walk around before returning by the same route.
A permit is required to enter Flinders Chase National Park - $11 per person (Apr 2021), which can be purchased online or at the Ranger Station as you enter the park.
Online Flinders Chase National Park Permit Purchase
Other References/Comments:
Flinders Chase National Park
In the fires of late 2019, early 2020, 96% of Flinders Chase National Park was destroyed along with its wildlife. It is making a recovery (see views from Bunker Hill), all be it very slowly and will take decades to get back to its former glory.
As of April 2021, there is no camping and all the off road tracks are closed. Access is only available by sealed road to the Cape, Admirals Arch, Weirs Cove and the Remarkable Rocks.


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