
320 Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5


Trail photos

Photo of320 Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5 Photo of320 Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5 Photo of320 Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5


Trail stats

2.25 mi
Elevation gain
3 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3 ft
Max elevation
157 ft
Min elevation
119 ft
Trail type
One Way
one hour 20 minutes
September 14, 2020
September 2020
Be the first to clap

near Wurtulla, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 90 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo of320 Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5 Photo of320 Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5 Photo of320 Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5

Itinerary description

320) Currimundi Lake to Bokarina - SCCP 5 - 2nd September 2020
Return Distance 7.2km, Max Elevation 12m, Climb 12m, Time 2hr, Level - Easy - Pops
Co-ordinates: -26.765910, 153.135790
My Blog:
Oh what fun. Off with your shoes and socks, roll up your shorts and hold all your valuables above your head as you wade across the lake's exit.
Short Description:
A deviation from the official SCCP, that takes you across Currimundi Lake exit to the sea and up through the coastal health of the Conservation Park before rejoining the pathway up to Bokarina.
Getting There:
Head to Currimundi Lake Beach, off Nicklin Way, just after the bridge. Parking is limited and weekends and holiday periods are busy here, so you may have to park along Watson Street.
None found.
Route/Trail Notes:
From Westaway Parade, walk down onto the sand and head towards the seaward exit of the lake and wade across and take the beach exit 253 on the corner ahead of you. Follow the beach track inland for 250m and at the junction, take the right hand track (signposted To Entrance), then 150m further on take the track to the right (signposted Mandara Drive entrance). At the end of the track turn right and you are back on the SCCP, which you follow along the back of the houses, with numerous beach access points to your right till you reach the Bokarina beach access on Longboard Parade and the Bok Beach Cafe.
Return by the same route.
The option to wade across is only possible at low tide and not after heavy rain. The alternative (and official route) is to walk around the lake to the far side, which will add an extra 6.2km to your return trip.
Other References/Comments:
As with all the sections of SCCP, you can do them in either direction, role one or more together, or get someone to drop you off and pick you up further along the track.
There are numerous points along the way for a swim, grab a coffee or a bite to eat. Take your dog for a swim, but check the beach entry points for any restrictions.
Remain on the tracks provided, as there are 'warning signs' concerning unexploded ordinance ammunitions from military training exercises around WWII.


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