
305 Kea Point


Trail photos

Photo of305 Kea Point Photo of305 Kea Point Photo of305 Kea Point


Trail stats

0.98 mi
Elevation gain
289 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
0 ft
Max elevation
2,764 ft
Min elevation
2,531 ft
Trail type
One Way
29 minutes
June 1, 2020
March 2020

near Mount Cook Village, Canterbury (New Zealand)

Viewed 150 times, downloaded 16 times

Trail photos

Photo of305 Kea Point Photo of305 Kea Point Photo of305 Kea Point

Itinerary description

305) Kea Point - 17th March 2020
Return Distance 3.2km, Max Elevation 843m, Climb 70m, Time 1.25hr, Level - Easy - Pops
Co-ordinates: -43.719020, 170.092650
My Blog:
The morning drive up Lake Pukaki to Mount Cook was fantastic, so the afternoon walk up to Kea Point was a bonus as we got in under Mount Sefton. The crack and then rumbling of avalanches from high up on the mountain was a little scary however. I was so taken in by the scenery, I can't remember much about the actual walk!
Short Description:
This walk gently winds its way through subalpine grasslands and scrub to the Mueller Glacier moraine wall. The track passes through a landscape that was formed in 1913 when a stream cut through from the glacier to the original Hermitage site, damaging the building. The walk ends at a viewing deck that gives stunning views of Mount Sefton, The Footstool, Hooker Valley, Mueller Glacier Lake and Aoraki/Mount Cook.
Getting There:
From Mt Cook Village, take Hooker Valley Road up to the DOC White Horse Hill Campground and car park. Alternatively, you can pick up the Kea Point Track from opposite the entrance of the Hermitage Hotel on Terrace Road, which will increase the walk to 5.6km return.
Aoraki - Mt Cook Walking Tracks
Route/Trail Notes:
The track is signposted from the top of the car park and is well formed, as it meanders up the valley through the scrub and up and over the moraine to the viewing deck.
Return by the same route.
Other References/Comments:
As with most South Island towns, there are always numerous tracks in and around the area. In this case most notably are the Hooker Valley Track, Red Tarns and Blue Lakes.


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