
230825 REINEBRINGEN. (448 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN


Trail photos

Photo of230825 REINEBRINGEN. (448 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230825 REINEBRINGEN. (448 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230825 REINEBRINGEN. (448 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN


Trail stats

3.68 mi
Elevation gain
1,555 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,555 ft
Max elevation
1,600 ft
Min elevation
4 ft
Trail type
3 hours 46 minutes
October 6, 2023
August 2023

near Reine, Nordland (Norge)

Viewed 55 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo of230825 REINEBRINGEN. (448 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230825 REINEBRINGEN. (448 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230825 REINEBRINGEN. (448 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN

Itinerary description

Reinebringen és una de les excursions més populars de Lofoten. Quan arribem al cim de la carena podrem gaudir d'unes magnífiques i fotogèniques vistes de Reine i dels fiords i muntanyes que l'envolten. No obstant això, escalar el Reinebringen no és fàcil, ja que el desnivell de 448 m s'aconsegueix en només 1,2 km per un camí d'escala de pedra construït pels xerpes nepalesos. Pel camí trobem zones de descans. És important fer aquesta ruta en un dia assolellat i clar. L'ascens amb el terreny humit és relliscós i perillós. Pujar-hi entre núvols i boira segur que dificultarà o fins i tot impossible veure l'entorn. Com que es tracta d'una ruta molt concorreguda, s'aconsella començar-la a l'embarcador de la Reine, travessar el poble i en arribar a la carretera E 10, caminar pel voral en direcció sud fins arribar a l'entrada d'un túnel prendre el camí vell i en pocs metres arribem a l'inici de les escales. La tornada desfà el camí.
ALTURA: 448 m.
TIPUS TERRENY: Camí d’escales de pedra. En arribar a la carena sender de muntanya un xic exposat. De Reine al inici de les escales es asfalt.
TEMPS: entre 1 i 2 h des de Reine
PUNT D’INICI: Reine. Gran aparcament del embarcador dins de Reine.

Original TEXT written in Catalan. English translation made with Google translator. To translate into other languages, it is preferable to do it from the original in Catalan.

Reinebringen is one of the most popular hikes in Lofoten. When we reach the top of the ridge we can enjoy magnificent and photogenic views of Reine and the fjords and mountains that surround it. However, climbing the Reinebringen is not easy, as the 448m drop is reached in just 1.2km via a stone ladder path built by the Nepalese Sherpas. Along the way we find rest areas. It is important to do this route on a sunny and clear day. The ascent with the wet ground is slippery and dangerous. Going up there in clouds and fog is sure to make it difficult or even impossible to see the surroundings. As this is a very busy route, it is advisable to start it at the Reine jetty, cross the town and when you reach the E 10 road, walk along the curb in a southerly direction until you reach the entrance of 'a tunnel take the old road and in a few meters we reach the beginning of the stairs. The return undoes the path.
HEIGHT: 448 m.
TERRAIN TYPE: Path of stone steps. When you reach the ridge, the mountain track is a bit exposed. From Reine to the start of the stairs is asphalt.
TIME: between 1 and 2 hours from Reine
STARTING POINT: Reine. Large car park at the jetty in Reine.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 50 ft
Photo ofReine. Inici i Final

Reine. Inici i Final

PictographWaypoint Altitude 98 ft
Photo ofReinehalsen Photo ofReinehalsen


PictographWaypoint Altitude 70 ft
Photo ofStone stairway Photo ofStone stairway Photo ofStone stairway

Stone stairway

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,432 ft
Photo ofMountain Pass Photo ofMountain Pass Photo ofMountain Pass

Mountain Pass

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,594 ft



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