
230823 OFFERSOYKAMMEN (436 m) (Vestvagoya) LOFOTEN


Trail photos

Photo of230823 OFFERSOYKAMMEN (436 m) (Vestvagoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230823 OFFERSOYKAMMEN (436 m) (Vestvagoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230823 OFFERSOYKAMMEN (436 m) (Vestvagoya) LOFOTEN


Trail stats

3.53 mi
Elevation gain
1,804 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,804 ft
Max elevation
1,598 ft
Min elevation
187 ft
Trail type
3 hours 22 minutes
October 6, 2023
August 2023
Be the first to clap

near Offersøya, Nordland (Norge)

Viewed 99 times, downloaded 10 times

Trail photos

Photo of230823 OFFERSOYKAMMEN (436 m) (Vestvagoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230823 OFFERSOYKAMMEN (436 m) (Vestvagoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230823 OFFERSOYKAMMEN (436 m) (Vestvagoya) LOFOTEN

Itinerary description

Ruta circular des de Offersøya passant per:
- Offersøykammen (1.1 km)

Offersøykammen es troba a 436 metres sobre el nivell del mar i ofereix unes vistes impressionants de 360º. Efectivament la vista de gran part de l’illa de Vestvågøya es magnifica, amb els seus fiords d’aigües turqueses, platges de sorra blanca a Vikbukta. A més ens trobem a pocs metres del Nord la veïna illa de Flakstadoya amb les seves muntanyes que conviden a fer-hi caminades i ascensions. Pujar el cim de Offersøykammen ens permet fer desviacions per aquesta àrea muntanyosa. Una potser caminar a la vora dels penya-segats del vessant Est baixar i fins a la cota 286. (això si, després cal tornar a pujar fins el cim, ja que tornar al camí principal mantenint alçada no hi ha camins). Una altra possibilitat es a baixada desviar-se, al sud-oest i arribar-se fins al Dalvatnet.
ALTITUD: 469 m.
DIFICULTAT: Fàcil/Moderat. Els primers 150 metres d’altitud son força costeruts.
TIPUS TERRENY: Bon sender, molt transitat. Els primers metres dins el bosc i després terreny obert.
TEMPS: 1 h. Fins el cim. Es pot allargar fins a 3 i mitja amb les desviacions.
PUNT D’INICI: Offersoyveien. Zona de Roubers turístics. Hi ha poques places d’aparcament. Una altra opció es aparcar a Skreda i caminar pel voral de la E-10 els 600 metres que el separen de l’inici de l’ascensió.

Original TEXT written in Catalan. English translation made with Google translator. To translate into other languages, it is preferable to do it from the original in Catalan.

Offersøykammen is 436 meters above sea level and offers stunning 360º views. Indeed the view of a large part of the island of Vestvågøya is magnified, with its fjords of turquoise waters, white sand beaches in Vikbukta. In addition, we are a few meters from the North the neighboring island of Flakstadoya with its mountains that invite you to do walks and climbs. Climbing the top of Offersøykammen allows us to make detours through this mountainous area. One might walk on the edge of the cliffs on the East side and go down to level 286. (if you do, then you have to go back up to the top, since there are no paths to return to the main path while maintaining height). Another possibility is to take a detour on the way down, to the southwest and reach the Dalvatnet.
HEIGHT:: 469 m.
DIFFICULTY: Easy/Moderate. The first 150 meters of altitude are quite steep.
TYPE OF TERRAIN: Good trail, very traveled. The first meters in the forest and then open ground.
TIME: 1 hour. Up to the top It can be extended up to 3 and a half with deviations.
STARTING POINT: Offersoyveien. Tourist Robbers area. There are few parking spaces. Another option is to park in Skreda and walk along the edge of the E-10 the 600 meters that separate it from the start of the ascent.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 61 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 947 ft

Fals Camí a Tinden

PictographSummit Altitude 1,454 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 938 ft
Photo ofTinden 286 Photo ofTinden 286

Tinden 286

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,111 ft

Fals Camí

PictographWaypoint Altitude 684 ft
Photo ofDesv a Dalvatnet

Desv a Dalvatnet

PictographWaypoint Altitude 426 ft
Photo ofDalvatnet Photo ofDalvatnet


PictographWaypoint Altitude 481 ft

Cota 146

PictographWaypoint Altitude 445 ft

Desv a Dalvatnet

PictographWaypoint Altitude 243 ft
Photo ofInici Camí pujada

Inici Camí pujada

PictographWaypoint Altitude 15 ft

Offersoyveien. Inici i Final


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