
230820 AGVANET. (12 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN


Trail photos

Photo of230820 AGVANET. (12 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230820 AGVANET. (12 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230820 AGVANET. (12 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN


Trail stats

4.31 mi
Elevation gain
328 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
328 ft
Max elevation
142 ft
Min elevation
4 ft
Trail type
3 hours 16 minutes
October 6, 2023
August 2023
Be the first to clap

near Å, Moskenes, Nordland (Norge)

Viewed 125 times, downloaded 5 times

Trail photos

Photo of230820 AGVANET. (12 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230820 AGVANET. (12 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230820 AGVANET. (12 m) (Moskenesoya) LOFOTEN

Itinerary description

Å, Moskenes

AGVANET és un llac envoltat de muntanyes que en el seu vessant Nord van dels 490 m del Tindstinten fins als 826 del Mengelsdalstinden, i en el vessant sud dels 514 m del Anstabben fins els 791 del Mannen. Es troba a la població pesquera d’A, just on acaba la carretera E 10. Fer la volta al llac es una delícia, gaudint dels colors blaus de l’aigua, els verds de les valls i dels bedolls. De les acolorides casetes que trobem pel camí, totes elles reflectides a l’aigua. Escoltem el piular dels ocells i el silenci de la vall. Fem la volta al llac començant pel vessant Sud seguint un camí senyalitzat. El camí es bo però hi ha alguns trams escarpats equipats amb cadenes que fan d’ajut. La tornada pel vessant nord travessa boscos de bedolls i transita per un camí a voltes fangós i humit
ALTITUD: entre 1 i 43 m.
DIFICULTAT: Fàcil. Moderat si us fan respecte els passos equipats
TIPUS TERRENY: Bon camí. Cal tenir en compte els passos escarpats
DURADA: 3 h.
PUNT D’INICI: A. Es pot començar tant a l’aparcament del Torrfisk, com a l’aparcament d’A. Preferiblement aquest darrer.

Original TEXT written in Catalan. English translation made with Google translator. To translate into other languages, it is preferable to do it from the original in Catalan.

AGVANET is a lake surrounded by mountains that on its northern side range from 490 m from Tindstinten to 826 from Mengelsdalstinden, and from 514 m from Anstabben to 791 from Mannen on the southern side. It is located in the fishing town of A, right where the E 10 road ends. Going around the lake is a delight, enjoying the blue colors of the water, the green of the valleys and the birch trees. Of the colorful houses we find along the way, all of them reflected in the water. We listen to the chirping of the birds and the silence of the valley. We go around the lake starting on the south side following a signposted path. The road is good, but there are some steep trams equipped with chains that act as an aid. The return on the north side crosses birch forests and travels along a sometimes muddy and wet path
HEIGHT: between 1 and 43 m.
DIFFICULTY: Easy. Moderate if you respect equipped steps
TERRAIN TYPE: Good trail. Be aware of steep steps
TIME: 3 hours.
STARTING POINT: A. You can start both in the Torrfisk car park and in the A car park. Preferably the second.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 54 ft
Photo ofA. Inici i Final Photo ofA. Inici i Final

A. Inici i Final


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