
2019.10.07 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. D2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II


Trail photos

Photo of2019.10.07 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. D2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II Photo of2019.10.07 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. D2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II Photo of2019.10.07 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. D2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II


Trail stats

11.48 mi
Elevation gain
4,245 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
610 ft
Max elevation
12,773 ft
Min elevation
9,001 ft
Trail type
One Way
9 hours 49 minutes
October 16, 2019
October 2019
Be the first to clap

near Ol Molog, Arusha (Tanzania)

Viewed 481 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo of2019.10.07 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. D2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II Photo of2019.10.07 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. D2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II Photo of2019.10.07 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. D2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II

Itinerary description

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Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit. Day 2: Mti Mkubwa - Shira II
Monday, October 7, 2019
Departure / Arrival: Mti Mkubwa (2,784 m) / Shira II (3,897 m)
Duration: 8:30 am (Departure 08:20 - Arrival 18:15)
Highlight: Munt Kilimanjaro (3,863 m)
Distances and cumulative slope: 16.5 km, + 1.470 m / - 320 m
Difficulty: 3/5
Complete crossing: 2019.10.06-13 - Kilimanjaro, Northern Circuit (8 days)

Second day of issue, 6:30. "Jambo!" They bite us to the store. Good Morning! Half an hour later as kings (and a little embarrassed too) they bring us hot water for tea. 7:30, breakfast. Here ... a little unexpected. We have just had breakfast when Andrew, our guide, comes to give us the briefing of the day:
“Today, little thing, he says. We leave Mti Mkubwa and to the Shira I camp where we will spend the night, it's 7 km. "
"Shira I? Like Shira I? ... Shira II!", I answer.
Andrew does not flinch: "No ... Shira I today and tomorrow, Shira II. Then Lava Tower, Barranco Camp… ”
We looked at the three of them and again to the guide: “Well, I think not. Today we have to sleep in Shira II, the day after tomorrow we go to Lava Tower and return to Moir Hut to start the North Circuit: we don't do the Lemosho, eh! ” I will look for the map with the indications that we agreed from Barcelona. Stupefaction for Andrew and Kevin too, the assistant guide. They talk to each other and after a short time of reflection they present their apologies: since the agency visibly there was a misunderstanding and the head of the two guides mistakenly entrusted them with a Lemosho route but at a slow pace, eight days instead of seven. But that no problem: we are still in time to redirect the route to the North Circuit and there they will take us. "You are here to enjoy, he says. And we, to give the best service!" Later they will explain to us how the head of the local agency had planned our arrival two days later and sent them to pick us up at the airport without prior notice, with just the time to gather carriers and material for the expedition. Bosses!…

Now: for a light day of 7 km, go on a walk of more than 18 km, let's go a little late! As soon as we said it, we just had tea and dismantled the tents and at 8:20, shotguns, we left the camp behind. A magnificent sun shines above the trees; An ideal temperature of 22 degrees, perfect for a good morning!

The trip to Shira I is a succession of strong ups and downs of less intensity, following the lush tropical forest that took us yesterday to Mti Mkubwa. Along the way, the contrast of light between the sun and the green of the trees is wonderful. We feel happy! At an altitude of 3,000 meters, the landscape changes abruptly: in a few meters we leave the tropical forest to a steppe form of short bushes, the result of the sharp fall in rainfall from this altitude. The weather likewise operates a sharp change in this point of the mountain and the blue sky, where until now a warm sun had shone, quickly it is loaded with a dense fog: the humidity of the forest, heated by the morning sun, It quickly evaporates and condenses into a fog that traces as the wind turns. Lower the temperature. At 3,500 meters (5.7 km), the slope becomes less pronounced and with Shira I already in sight we begin a large flank in an increasingly scarce vegetation. At 12 noon, just under 4 hours after leaving Mti Mkubwa, we reach Shira I. A good pace. We enter the camp surrounded by thick fog and quickly wrap ourselves up to protect ourselves from the wind: it's cold here! Our chef has recently arrived and we have tea before a hot meal that invigorates us.

At 14 hours the weather has improved significantly and we left Shira I in the southeast. Our pace is good and we allow ourselves the luxury of diverting our way to the Plateau Shira, an extensive plain in which, hopefully, we observe a specimen of small antelope endemic to the area. At the other end of the plateau we ascend to the hill to Cathedral Point (3,760 m) and finish the remaining 50 meters to the Munt Kilimanjaro, the highlight of the day, with an altitude of 3,872 m.
The fog squeezes and we don't want to get wet so close to our target. It's a bit late and we decided to push the pace. At 18:15 we entered Shira II, wrapped in the same fog that had surprised us at the exit of Plateau Shira. A quick toilet, a hot tea and a good dinner will dissipate the fatigue of this extensive day. When we leave the store, after dinner, a beautiful moon illuminates the sky ... Even give a small night photography session before bedtime, around 9:30 p.m.

Note: In Shira II they will have mobile coverage according to their operator, but no data network.

Kilimanjaro Mountain Guide (direct contracting)
Andrew Daudi
Usoiver, Arusha, Tanzania
Contact: +255685901735 (Whatsapp & call)
Facebook-andrew young

Tarannà trips
Marco Centomo
C / Vallespir 174, 08014 Barcelona
Contact: +34/608753032



PictographWaypoint Altitude 12,407 ft

Cathedral Junction (3.760 m)

PictographIntersection Altitude 11,691 ft

Desvío a Cathedral Point (recto a Shira II camp - 3.560 m)

PictographCampsite Altitude 9,134 ft
Photo ofMti Mkubwa camp (2.780 m) Photo ofMti Mkubwa camp (2.780 m)

Mti Mkubwa camp (2.780 m)

PictographSummit Altitude 12,672 ft
Photo ofMunt Kilimanjaro (3.872 m) Photo ofMunt Kilimanjaro (3.872 m) Photo ofMunt Kilimanjaro (3.872 m)

Munt Kilimanjaro (3.872 m)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,906 ft
Photo ofSalida del bosque tropical (3.010 m) Photo ofSalida del bosque tropical (3.010 m) Photo ofSalida del bosque tropical (3.010 m)

Salida del bosque tropical (3.010 m)

PictographCampsite Altitude 11,517 ft
Photo ofShira I camp (3.510 m) Photo ofShira I camp (3.510 m) Photo ofShira I camp (3.510 m)

Shira I camp (3.510 m)

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,772 ft
Photo ofShira II camp (3.890 m) Photo ofShira II camp (3.890 m) Photo ofShira II camp (3.890 m)

Shira II camp (3.890 m)


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