
2019-09 Hugh Ellery 8 - Serpentine Gorge north, Ellery Creek Big Hole north (Chewings Range)


Trail photos

Photo of2019-09 Hugh Ellery 8 - Serpentine Gorge north, Ellery Creek Big Hole north (Chewings Range) Photo of2019-09 Hugh Ellery 8 - Serpentine Gorge north, Ellery Creek Big Hole north (Chewings Range) Photo of2019-09 Hugh Ellery 8 - Serpentine Gorge north, Ellery Creek Big Hole north (Chewings Range)


Trail stats

8.62 mi
Elevation gain
531 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
830 ft
Max elevation
2,819 ft
Min elevation
2,168 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 40 minutes
October 7, 2019
September 2019
Be the first to clap

near Littles Yard, Northern Territory (Australia)

Viewed 106 times, downloaded 8 times

Trail photos

Photo of2019-09 Hugh Ellery 8 - Serpentine Gorge north, Ellery Creek Big Hole north (Chewings Range) Photo of2019-09 Hugh Ellery 8 - Serpentine Gorge north, Ellery Creek Big Hole north (Chewings Range) Photo of2019-09 Hugh Ellery 8 - Serpentine Gorge north, Ellery Creek Big Hole north (Chewings Range)

Itinerary description

It's straightforward to head east from near the mouth of Serpentine Gorge until you reach Ellery Creek. Along the way are some impressive red rock cliffs on the right (south).

Just beyond Ellery Creek is the old abandoned Ellery Yard, and a little south is the north end of Ellery Creek Big Hole. Here is the new Larapinta Trail shelter together with water tanks and toilet. There are some nice spots to camp on the beach.

From the north end of the Big Hole you can see the tourists visiting the south end. A few of them paddle-boarded across to say hello. I found the water too cold for swimming, but a few hardy souls on the south side were having a swim.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,228 ft
Photo ofEllery Creek Yard Photo ofEllery Creek Yard

Ellery Creek Yard


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