
2018 Nov 9. Taibe to Kohav Yaakov (with Camel)



Trail stats

13.64 mi
Elevation gain
1,509 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,425 ft
Max elevation
2,976 ft
Min elevation
1,795 ft
Trail type
One Way
9 hours 44 minutes
November 11, 2018
November 2018
Be the first to clap

near Taybeh, West Bank (فلسطین)

Viewed 236 times, downloaded 0 times

Itinerary description

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In mid-November, we finally go to the biblical Ofru and Ai. I have been preparing this route for a long time and finally solved all the questions of logistics. I can not promise that by that time the trees will already be installed. But I guarantee the famous beer.

Our route will start in taybe. The village is located on the site of the once renamed arah Ofra. Taibe is the most amazing Christian village of Samaria. In some places it reminds me of Greece. In this pastoral corner there are two raisins. The first is a brewery - Taybeh Beer. Until recently, she was the only one in the PA. There, at almost any time you can taste free beer. Recently, wine has also been added to beer.
The second highlight is the Byzantine Church of St. George. As far as I know, this is one of the last places in the Holy Land, where sacrifices are still offered. Local tradition prescribes atonement through sacrificial animals. Meat is distributed to the poor.

From Taiba we will head to Biblical Ai. Ay is one of the oldest cities in Israel. Its ruins are about 4500 years old. The city is the same age as the Egyptian pyramids. When forming biblical mythology, Ay has been in ruins for more than 1000 years. Apparently, for this reason, it is listed among the cities conquered by Joshua after Jericho - a kind of historiography.

A hike in Taipea will include visits to the brewery and winery. I'm going to start by visiting the brewery. So that alcohol weathered until the end of the route. The route will be relatively long - about 18km. As it happened, I organize two groups - Friday and Saturday. Perhaps the Friday route will be a little longer. With a visit to the Byzantine caves in Wadi Scheiban. The rest of the routes will be the same.
At 8:00 we will meet at the gas station in Kochav Jacob. From there a bus will take us to Taiba. Supposedly the transportation will cost about 20 check per person.


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