
2018-09-16 Shabrouh Dam (Farayya) Dam - Afqa Cave LMT Section 12


Trail photos

Photo of2018-09-16 Shabrouh Dam (Farayya) Dam - Afqa Cave LMT Section 12 Photo of2018-09-16 Shabrouh Dam (Farayya) Dam - Afqa Cave LMT Section 12 Photo of2018-09-16 Shabrouh Dam (Farayya) Dam - Afqa Cave LMT Section 12


Trail stats

11.75 mi
Elevation gain
3,031 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,656 ft
Max elevation
5,525 ft
Min elevation
3,778 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 39 minutes
September 16, 2018
September 2018
Be the first to clap

near Aïn Ourâj, Mont-Liban (Lebanon)

Viewed 2560 times, downloaded 71 times

Trail photos

Photo of2018-09-16 Shabrouh Dam (Farayya) Dam - Afqa Cave LMT Section 12 Photo of2018-09-16 Shabrouh Dam (Farayya) Dam - Afqa Cave LMT Section 12 Photo of2018-09-16 Shabrouh Dam (Farayya) Dam - Afqa Cave LMT Section 12

Itinerary description

The hike started at the gates of Shabrouh dam in Farayya and concluded at the Faqra cave. The trail is an easy trail but long; It is a combination of cow path, paved and dirt roads. We passed by apple groves that were loaded with fruits (apple harvest time is now) and we treated ourselves to the freshest apples possible (right off the tree).
The scenery, like the rest of Lebanon landscape, is breath taking. On this trail you get to view the sleepy towns of: Oyoun Siman, Faqra, Hrajil, Qahmez, Lasa, Qartaba, and Afqa.
The Afqa cave is a natural wonder; it is carved at the bottom of a high rocky cliff and it is a water supply for many towns (many pipes are installed inside it drawing water to the towns).
The weather was great as usual, the skies were overcast with nice breeze; Fog started to form at the top of the mountains towards the end of the hike.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,166 ft
Photo ofWooden House Photo ofWooden House Photo ofWooden House

Wooden House

A beautiful picturesque house overlooking a rocky cliff and the town of Oyoun Siman

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,136 ft
Photo ofHrajil Cross

Hrajil Cross

The area is the heartland of Maronite christianity. Part of their tradition is to have a cross put on the highest peak of the village land.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,486 ft
Photo ofNarrow Rocky Path Photo ofNarrow Rocky Path Photo ofNarrow Rocky Path

Narrow Rocky Path

This is the path at the top of the rocky hill where the trail turns into a flat trail.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,245 ft
Photo ofQahmez Cross

Qahmez Cross

The area is the heartland of Maronite christianity. Part of their tradition is to have a cross put on the highest peak of every village land.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,168 ft
Photo ofHadeed (steel) Spring Photo ofHadeed (steel) Spring

Hadeed (steel) Spring

This spring is located about 15 meters deep inside the mountain. The freshest coldest water on this trail. Hikers/visitors stop to wash and refill their drinking bottles here. It is referred to as "steel" because it is so cold that you can't keep your hands in the water for more than 5 seconds.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,229 ft
Photo ofAerial View of Lasa Photo ofAerial View of Lasa Photo ofAerial View of Lasa

Aerial View of Lasa

This point gives you a breathtaking aerial view of the town of Lasa.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,976 ft
Photo ofWild Pear Tree Photo ofWild Pear Tree Photo ofWild Pear Tree

Wild Pear Tree

This is where we had our lunch break. the trees bear fruits that are a source of food for bears; hence the name. It is also human edible when it is ripe.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,744 ft
Photo ofLizzab (Juniperus Excelsa) Tree Photo ofLizzab (Juniperus Excelsa) Tree Photo ofLizzab (Juniperus Excelsa) Tree

Lizzab (Juniperus Excelsa) Tree

Juniperus excelsa (Lizzab in Arabic) is an evergreen tree growing to 20 m. It grows at above A liquid is obtained from the fruit. The bark is used for roofing. Wood - moderately hard, close and even grained, fragrant, good quality. This is the only trail where I saw a true forest of Lizzab (near Afqa); usually I see trees scattered and dispersed.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,251 ft
Photo ofAfqa Village Photo ofAfqa Village Photo ofAfqa Village

Afqa Village

A sleepy village within the district of Byblos (Jbeil). Beautiful houses and landscape. The village Afqa was featured (few decades ago) by the Ministry of Tourism of Lebanon via posters of old stone houses and dirt rooftops (all gone now). It contains the Afqa spring and cave - a natural wonder.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,851 ft
Photo ofAfqa Cave Photo ofAfqa Cave Photo ofAfqa Cave

Afqa Cave

This natural wonder is a cave located at the bottom of a high rocky cliff and contains a water spring that supplies drinking water to Afqa and neighboring villages. The way it is naturally carved is a prof that nature is the best of artists, humans or otherwise.


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