
2018-06-29 - The Three Peaks - Amalfi Coast



Trail stats

25.05 mi
Elevation gain
10,013 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
10,013 ft
Max elevation
3,314 ft
Min elevation
5 ft
Trail type
13 hours 25 minutes
February 7, 2024
June 2018
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1 comment

near (fomer) Roman Catholic Diocese of Salerno, Campania (Italia)

Viewed 6 times, downloaded 0 times

Itinerary description

So I decided to put myself to the test. I had been on the summit of local mountain Falerio (684 metres above sea level) dozens of times. The top of monte San Liberatore (466 m a.s.l.) I had visited scores of times; and monte dell'Avvocata (1,014 m a.s.l.) I had stood on hundreds of times.
But I had never done all three summits in one go.
I left home at 07.53 on that perfect Friday morning and walked through the old part of Salerno onto the ancient mule track which was to take me to my first goal, san Liberatore, with its huge, 18-metre-high steel cross. I was there at 09.16, so 1hour, 23 minutes after setting out.
I came off the mountain and walked through Vietri sul Mare heading for Raito and then Albori, one of the most picturesque villages in Italy. Here – it was 10.39 - I stopped for a beer (two actually!) …
At 11.13 I made my way towards the base of monte Falerio. At 12.38 I was on its summit.
Two hours and ten minutes later I was on the top of monte dell'Avvocata at 1,014 metres above sea level.
After dropping down towards Maiori on the south-western side of the mountain, I faced the 19.3 kilometre walk along the spectacular Amalfi Coast road back home. I was home at 21.18 somewhat tired … after a 13 hour, 25 minute day.
Total distance covered: 40.4 kilometres
Total height gain: 1,812 metres

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of Feb 7, 2024

    That was five-and-a-half years ago in June 2018 ... I wonder if I could do it today at 76 years of age ...

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