
2017-08-20 Hadath Jibbeh


Trail photos

Photo of2017-08-20 Hadath Jibbeh Photo of2017-08-20 Hadath Jibbeh Photo of2017-08-20 Hadath Jibbeh


Trail stats

10.2 mi
Elevation gain
2,467 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,448 ft
Max elevation
6,359 ft
56 4.6
Min elevation
4,990 ft
Trail type
6 hours 17 minutes
August 20, 2017
August 2017
  • Rating

  •   4.6 3 Reviews
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near Haret el Qalaa, Liban-Nord (Lebanon)

Viewed 879 times, downloaded 56 times

Trail photos

Photo of2017-08-20 Hadath Jibbeh Photo of2017-08-20 Hadath Jibbeh Photo of2017-08-20 Hadath Jibbeh

Itinerary description

A wonderful 16+ km hike that took us across barren mountains and through shaded cedar forests (Hadath Jibbeh and Tannourine). The hike started with a 4 km uphill climb followed by a flat then sinusoidal trail. Came across majestic ancient and young cedar trees; each tree has a story to tell. There was a few birds eye spot panning the landscape beneath - an awe and breathtaking scenery and fresh cedar-scented air.
when the group get to the start point, we were met with a "Valet Parking" sign that led to us cracking jokes that Lebanese valet service ingenuity is extending to the hikers; however, the "Valet Parking" sign was explained when we came - towards the end of the hike - across a buffet style restaurant in the middle of the woods. Customers were bused from the valet parking area to the restaurant. The restaurant had a brewery to make Arak (a Lebanese anise-tasty spirit) and many "old Lebanese town" settings. It was a wonderful distraction. I plan on bringing the family there.
A great hike and a great day.

Comments  (6)

  • Photo of nizar jreij
    nizar jreij Apr 13, 2018

    Keep going thks

  • Photo of radwan.bachir
    radwan.bachir May 30, 2019

    Hello Zahi hope you're doing well.
    I know that Hadath Jebbe cedar forest is basically a mine field, could you please let me know if this is easy trail to follow yet safe?
    Thank you.

  • Photo of nizar jreij
    nizar jreij May 31, 2019

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Keep going thks

  • Photo of Christian Holzl
    Christian Holzl Jun 1, 2019

    Yes the Hadath el jebbe Forest represents a danger.

    But no panic, mines are further west inside the Forest, towards Niha and along the cliff.

    We were using the current trail for a few years with big hiking groups, until 2018 when the Lebanese army closed it partially. I think they included just the whole Forest in the secure zone. Hadath people were wondering why.

    So I wouldn't say high danger, but ok closed is closed.

    As soon as you see a panel "danger mines", stick on the east side of the mountain, there is a nice trail heading down to Hadath, between the Forest and the road.
    Perfectly safe.

  • Photo of radwan.bachir
    radwan.bachir Jun 1, 2019

    Awesome news Christian, thanks a lot for your comment.

  • Photo of nadiram
    nadiram Apr 17, 2021

    Thank you for this. I followed it today but had to edit the last part since I was solo hiking and was worried to lose myself into the mine area

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