
13 Noosa to Sunshine Beach - Coastal Track


Trail photos

Photo of13 Noosa to Sunshine Beach - Coastal Track


Trail stats

3.97 mi
Elevation gain
466 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
512 ft
Max elevation
206 ft
Min elevation
-43 ft
Trail type
One Way
2 hours 26 minutes
February 16, 2020
January 2018
Be the first to clap

near Sunshine Beach, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 107 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo of13 Noosa to Sunshine Beach - Coastal Track

Itinerary description

13) Noosa to Sunshine Beach - Coastal Track - 9th March 2015
Return Distance 12.8km, Max Elevation 35m, Climb 35m, Time 4hr, Level - Easy - Hannah, Kevin, Olivia, Jessica
Co-ordinates: -26.381300, 153.099070
My Blog:
Walked the trail from bottom and top. Refreshing skinny dip (!!) at Alexandria Beach before getting to Hells Gates. Well worth the walk and amazing in the summer time.
Short Description:
A beautiful coastal track from the Noosa National Park H.Q. to Sunshine Beach Surf club. Via Hells Gates and Alexandria Bay nudie beach.
Getting There:
Head to Noosa Heads and at the roundabout on Hastings Street turn right and follow the road to the end. This is a very busy area particularly on weekends and holidays with the parking limited. You may well have to use the parkland car parks at the other end of Hastings Street, which will add about another 2km to get back to the start of the walk.
The alternative is to walk from the southern end at Sunshine Beach. The beach, McAnaly Drive or Parkedge Road all have access points.
See maps at the info centre or online at
Route/Trail Notes:
Follow the tourist track past the magnificent Tea Tree Bay to Hells Gates. This is a very popular section of coastal walk. From there, head down onto Alexandria Bay Beach. Beware. This beautiful beach is frequented by some not so beautiful people, who dislike clothes. Avert your eyes and head to the south end of the beach. Then follow the un-kept track up the hill towards the headland. Keep going along the ridge, then down the hill onto the very long Sunshine Beach. Stroll on south for about 1km until you reach the Life Saving Tower. Then head up the hill to the Surf Club for a well deserved beer.
After a great lunch, catch the courtesy bus back to Noosa.
No permits required; camping not allowed.
Other References/Comments:
Watch out for the children at Hells Gates, as there is no cliff barrier and a 10m drop.


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