
(10/8/23)- Knin Dinara (1.831m)


Trail photos

Photo of(10/8/23)- Knin Dinara (1.831m) Photo of(10/8/23)- Knin Dinara (1.831m) Photo of(10/8/23)- Knin Dinara (1.831m)


Trail stats

18.52 mi
Elevation gain
1,637 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,325 ft
Max elevation
5,989 ft
Min elevation
762 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
3 hours one minute
4 hours 30 minutes
August 10, 2023
August 2023

near Podinarje, Šibensko-Kniniska (Republic of Croatia)

Viewed 64 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo of(10/8/23)- Knin Dinara (1.831m) Photo of(10/8/23)- Knin Dinara (1.831m) Photo of(10/8/23)- Knin Dinara (1.831m)

Itinerary description

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Dinara - Sinjal 1831m

Our route today will be to culminate the highest peak in Croatia, located in the Dinaric Alps, near the border between Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We were spending a couple of days in Knin and an impossible area to take advantage of and ascend this emblematic peak of Croatia.

We will take the M14.2. After 15/20 min we will cross customs to go to the neighboring country, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Have a valid ID or passport on hand.

After approximately 20' on the M6.1 we turn right and take a dirt track (approx. 13km of track). Practically at the beginning of this there is a booth and a soldier who will ask us for the documentation again. All in order, we pass.

After about 45min of the track we will be back in Croatia, in this case there will be no military requesting the DNI.

We will take a track that crosses, heading to the left, which in 10 minutes will take us to the Refuge.

Depending on what vehicle you have, you will be able to advance. We follow the track in a 4x4 for several kilometers. The truth is that it is not forbidden to go up or at least there is no signal. When we went they were fixing it, even so we went up and despite the fact that those who were controlling the works stopped us and looked at us with a 'what are you doing here' face, they allowed us to continue on our way.

We have left the car practically where the path begins. We follow the continuous white and red signs that you will find throughout the route. Soon you will see the first indicative stick where it informs us that the top is 1h 30' away.

We ascend, along a very marked path, between rocky terrain but easy to climb.
Shortly we find the next indicative pole, 1h 15' to the top. At that point there is another refuge to which we will approach when we return from the route.

We continue route. The road is very pleasant, with a constant climb and when you least expect it you can see in the distance the cross that crowns the top. In 1h 20' approx, at a calm pace, you will have reached the highest peak in Croatia, Sinjal 1831m.

The top consists of 2 heads of equal height, separated by about 50 meters, hence there is a red booth on one of them and a large cross on the other.

We return along the same path, stopping to see the Refuge that we mentioned before, which does not lack detail, and we continue until we reach the car.

We go down the track to the first Refuge but, this time we are not going back through Bosnia but we will take the track that takes us to Knin.

* The km that appear in the track are high because the return by car to the town of Knin has been recorded so that you can do the route in reverse and avoid crossing the Bosnian border. As it happened to us following a track.

* Actual elevation gain: +499m
* Km from the parking lot to the top: 5.6
* Ascension time from parking lot: 1h 20'

In case you are interested, we leave you where we stay and a couple of bars that have crazy prices and are delicious, and attention from 10!
*Hotel: Guest House Stalki Snovi
*S'jela Bistro -- > The best burgers we've ever had
*Pizzeria Tennen -- > They only make pizzas but they are good!
Small price €6.50
Median price €7.50
Jumbo price €12.50 (huge!)


PictographCar park Altitude 4,508 ft
Photo ofParquing


PictographIntersection Altitude 4,511 ft
Photo ofSeguimos indicaciones

Seguimos indicaciones

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,688 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 4,783 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,102 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,138 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographWilderness hut Altitude 5,138 ft
Photo ofRefugio libre

Refugio libre

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,768 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,860 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographSummit Altitude 5,991 ft
Photo ofCima


PictographSummit Altitude 6,004 ft
Photo ofCima


PictographSummit Altitude 6,007 ft
Photo ofCima


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,997 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,994 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,991 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,997 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,810 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,692 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographWilderness hut Altitude 5,075 ft
Photo ofRefugio libre

Refugio libre

PictographWilderness hut Altitude 5,082 ft
Photo ofRefugio libre

Refugio libre

PictographWilderness hut Altitude 5,046 ft
Photo ofRefugio libre

Refugio libre

PictographCar park Altitude 4,469 ft
Photo ofParquing


PictographCar park Altitude 4,449 ft
Photo ofDe nuevo en el PK

De nuevo en el PK

From this point we have traveled Round trip 5.6 km with 462 m of unevenness I keep recording the descent in 4x4

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PictographPhoto Altitude 2,690 ft
Photo ofFoto



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