
GPX route 26


Trail photos

Photo ofGPX route 26 Photo ofGPX route 26 Photo ofGPX route 26


Trail stats

57,893 mi
Elevation gain
696 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,178 ft
Max elevation
15,042 ft
Min elevation
-99 ft
Trail type
One Way
November 2, 2022
November 2022
Be the first to clap

near Westchester, California (United States)

Viewed 203 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGPX route 26 Photo ofGPX route 26 Photo ofGPX route 26

Itinerary description

Tassie eye contact

Max speed 12,823 km/h

Average speed 3,492 km/h

3 nights
14 minutes 21 seconds

Wind speed maximum
4,813 km/h

Behavior disorder

revolutionary war
Tassie Little

Most acceleration
Christ Garrett

Inside of gorilla’s pocket
Carla, Jaxson and Donna
Outside of gorilla’s pockets
Tassie Litter
Amy Huffman

Most frequently heart rate
Donna Garrett by the loyalist group

During the school
Jaxson tried at school on Wikiloc route
Jaxson to do chapters 7 American Revolution test, he got 90% on the test
Jaxson do transformation dilation math but no Tassie.
Tassie was affected by the loyalist people.
Jaxson went back to ACP room it is so bumpy and turbulent on Wikiloc route

He did lose the energy during running exercises.

Here is Chapter 7 American Revolution
Big test on Wikiloc description

Main Idea Questions
Chapter 7 - Revolutionary War
What were some of the challenges that Washington and the Continental Army faced during the early years of the American Revolution? (check all that apply)
2 points
small army @ or under 20,000 men
Patriot soldier enlistment periods were usually only 6 months
untrained soldiers, many were farmers before the war
supply shortages: blankets, food, shoes, guns, gun powder, etc.
The Continental Congress lacked power to raise taxes to pay for army supplies
Why did the British move the war to the South? (check all that apply)
2 points
to gain loyalist support
to capture the Continental navy located in Savannah, GA
to recruit Southern slaves to be in the British army
to capture the Patriot capital of Charleston, SC
The British weren't really winning in the northern colonies
What was Washington's strategy at the Battle of Yorktown? (check all that apply)
2 points
Use cavalry soldiers to lead a charge against the British.
Use siege tactics by surrounding Yorktown on land and sea with infantry, artillery and warships.
Use hit and run tactics against Cornwallis inside of Yorktown.
Utilize French war ships to blockade Chesapeake Bay so Cornwallis couldn't escape to the sea.
What were the advantages that helped the American Patriots win the Revolutionary War? (check all that apply)
2 points
better leadership (George Washington)
knowledge of the land
Patriot motivation
foreign aid from the French, Spanish and Dutch
What were 3 conditions of the Treaty of Paris 1783 that were followed? (check all that apply)
2 points
The USA was recognized by the British as being an independent nation.

The borders of the USA were established: Mississippi River in the west, Atlantic Ocean in the

east, Canada in the north, and Spanish Florida in the south

The USA gained fishing rights off of the coastline of Canada.

Loyalist property had to be returned.

Slaves would be returned to their masters in the south.

War debts would be paid off.

Vocab Terms
Chapter 7 Vocab Terms
A soldier for hire is a ______________.
2 points
The British General that surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown in 1781, effectively ending the American Revolution
2 points
An essay written by Thomas Paine that Washington read to his troops to inspire them.
2 points
Common Sense
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution
The Crisis
The commanding general of the Continental Army
2 points
Horatio Gates
George Washington
Benedict Arnold
John Paul Jones
A plan of action or scheme for doing something
2 points
The Crisis
The location where the main British force was trapped and had to surrender, ending the war.
2 points
Charles Town, South Carolina
Yorktown, Virginia
Saratoga, New York
Savannah, Georgia
The agreement that was negotiated and signed saying the U.S. had won the American Revolutionary War.
2 points
The Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of London
The Treaty of Paris 1783
A form of government where citizens vote to make decisions and elect officials
2 points
The location where Washington's army had to survive a terrible winter after being forced out of Philadelphia in 1777-1778
2 points
Shenandoah Valley
Death Valley
Valley Forge
Valley Freeze
Something that you absolutely must have in order to be successful
2 points
A war fought between Great Britain and the self-proclaimed United States between 1776 and 1783
2 points
American Civil War
French and Indian War
King Philip's War
American Revolution
A person or group that will help you and fight alongside you
2 points
An organized and often violent resistance to the current government
2 points
Soldiers from Germany that the British hired to help them fight the Patriots
2 points
A law passed by King George and Parliament that told the colonists to stay east of the Appalachians
2 points
Stamp Act
Townshend Act
Treaty of Paris
Proclamation Line

Battle of People in Revolutionary war
Chapter 7 People
A group of people that sided with the British during the Revolution, most moved to Canada after the war.
2 points
This man trained the Continental Army at Valley Forge. He taught them how march and fight using bayonets.
2 points
Baron de Kalb
Baron von Steuben
Casimir Pulaski
Count de Grasse
Bands of Patriot fighters, like Daniel Morgan and Francis Marion, that used hit and run tactics against the British.
2 points
Tiger bands
Rock bands
Guerrilla bands
Swamp bands
Patriot General that put inexperienced soldiers in the wrong position and lost the Battle of Camden in South Carolina.
2 points
Horatio Gates
Joseph Plumb Martin
George Washington
Nathanael Greene
A person morally opposed to war or solving problems using violence.
2 points
This man was an Ambassador to France during the American Revolution. He convinced France to be an ally to the Patriots.
2 points
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Marquis de Lafayette
This man was nicknamed the "Swamp Fox". He was a successful Patriot guerrilla fighter in South Carolina.
2 points
Francis Marion
John Paul Jones
Richard Allen
Baron von Steuben
This Patriot General that was a great leader at the Battles of Saratoga and at Quebec, he then betrayed America.
2 points
Baron von Steuben
John Paul Jones
Benedict Arnold
Francis Marion
This Georgia Patriot that bravely defended herself against five loyalist intruders.
2 points
Elizabeth Freeman
Deborah Sampson
Francis Marion
Nancy Hart
This American Patriot dressed as a man so she could enlist and fight in the Continental Army.
2 points
Elizabeth Freeman
Deborah Sampson
Francis Marion
Nancy Hart
Patriot naval commander of the Bonhomme Richard said, "I have not yet begun to fight"
2 points
James Forten
Richard Allen
John Paul Jones
Lord Cornwallis
Young French nobleman that volunteered to serve in Washington's army.
2 points
Baron von Steuben
Count de Rochambeau
Admiral de Grasse
Marquis de Lafayette
At 14, he became a Patriot privateer on the Royal Lewis. He was captured, but refused to betray his country.
2 points
James Marion
James Forten
Richard Gates
Richard Hart
British general that fought his way south from Canada along the Hudson river and lost at Saratoga.
2 points
St. Leger
British general that chased Washington's army into Pennsylvania instead of meeting up at Albany, NY in 1777.
2 points
St. Leger

Battles from the American Revolution
Chapter 7
Generals Gates and Arnold defeat Burgoyne in New York helping the French decide to be an American ally.
2 points
Battles of Saratoga
Siege of Yorktown
Lexington and Concord
Trenton and Princeton
A type of Revolutionary War weapon that was like a long knife attached to the end of a rifle.
2 points
City in Virginia where Washington used his army, French soldiers and French ships to trap Cornwallis during the final major battle of the war.
2 points
Amount of war debt accumulated by the U.S. during the Revolution.
2 points
$ 4 million
$27 million
$127 million
$270 million
A signed contract between the U.S. and Britain officially ending the Revolutionary War.
2 points
Treaty of Paris 1763
Treaty of Paris 1783
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty of Paris 1793
Towns in Massachusetts where the fighting began during the Revolution. These battles were also known as the "shot heard around the world".
2 points
Trenton and Princeton
Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill
Lexington and Cocord
Salem and Boston
British general that fought his way south from Canada along the Hudson River and lost at the Battles Saratoga.
2 points
General St. Leger
General Clinton
General Cornwallis
General Burgoyne
General Howe
First major battle of the American Revolution that was fought in the highlands around Boston. The minutemen only lost this battle because they ran out of ammunition.
2 points
Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill
Lexington and Concord
Trenton and Princeton
Number of British deaths during the Revolution.
2 points
Number of Patriot deaths during the Revolution.
2 points
Two essential items that Patriot soldiers had to provide themselves.
2 points
pots and pans
forks and spoons
tents and blankets
guns and uniforms
Over 1000 Patriot soldiers killed, wounded, and captured and the British took over New York City with this battle victory.
2 points
Trenton and Princeton
Long Island
George Rogers Clark and his Patriot army capture British Fort Sackville in modern day Indiana.
2 points
Battle of Vincennes
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Long Island
Battle of Camden
Washington and his army crossed the Delaware River at night and surprise attacked a large Hessian force on Christmas in 1776.
2 points
Battle of Vincennes
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Monmouth
Battle of Trenton
Ethan Allan and his Green Mountain Boys won this battle and got much needed cannons for the Patriots. The cannons were moved to Boston for Washington's army to siege the city in March 1776.
2 points
Battle of Cowpens
Battle of Vincennes
Battle of Guilford Courthouse
Battle for Fort Ticonderoga


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