
Sobral - Relva



Trail stats

46.5 mi
Elevation gain
8,671 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
8,402 ft
Max elevation
1,677 ft
8 3
Min elevation
119 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 58 minutes
4 hours 8 minutes
February 17, 2022
February 2022
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near Sobral, Aveiro (Portugal)

Viewed 32 times, downloaded 1 times

Itinerary description

Sobral - Relva

Comments  (1)

  • d4a Nov 14, 2023

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Fiz a maior parte dessa trilha com uma CRF300L, tive que encontrar caminhos alternativos algumas vezes, pois algumas peças são destinadas a motos de motocross e não de mota dual sport. Mas apesar disso a trilha é muito divertida e fácil de seguir e tem de tudo um pouco, incluindo lama, grama, pedras, água. É uma trilha muito bem pensada e estou muito grato ao uploader por compartilhá-la. Fiz isso na estação chuvosa e acho que agora está ainda melhor do que no verão.

    Did most of this trail with a CRF300L, had to find alternative ways a few times as some parts are intended for motocross bikes and not dual sport. But despite this the trail is really fun and easy to follow and there's a bit of everything including mud, grass, stones, water. It's a very well thought-out trail and I am very grateful to the uploader for sharing it. I did it in the wet season and I think it's even better now than in the summer.

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