
Orkney: Stromness - Skara Brae - Ring of Brodgar


Trail photos

Photo ofOrkney: Stromness - Skara Brae - Ring of Brodgar Photo ofOrkney: Stromness - Skara Brae - Ring of Brodgar Photo ofOrkney: Stromness - Skara Brae - Ring of Brodgar


Trail stats

20.09 mi
Elevation gain
515 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
515 ft
Max elevation
185 ft
Min elevation
2 ft
Trail type
Moving time
2 hours
4 hours 18 minutes
July 15, 2019
July 2019
Be the first to clap

near Stromness, Scotland (United Kingdom)

Viewed 530 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo ofOrkney: Stromness - Skara Brae - Ring of Brodgar Photo ofOrkney: Stromness - Skara Brae - Ring of Brodgar Photo ofOrkney: Stromness - Skara Brae - Ring of Brodgar

Itinerary description

I wanted to see the Neolithic sites of Orkney and decided to do this by bike as the island is fairly compact.
I took the 8.45am Northlink Ferry from Scrabster to Stromness, arriving at 10.15am. It was then a 10 minute walk to Orkney Cycle Hire, where I hired a hybrid bike for £12.50 for the day. I was given a map and directions to the famous sites.
The distance from Stromness to Skara Brae was only about 6-7 miles wth some gentle undulating climbs.
Skara Brae and Skaill House were really interesting. They have a visitor centre with cafe for refreshments. Then it was back on the bike for another 5-6 miles to the Ring of Brodgar, a stunning circle of standing stones inside a circular ditch. I caught a free guided tour which was really interesting.
Next was the dig at the Ness of Brodgar, and the Stones of Stenness.
Time was now moving on, so I then returned to Stromness , returned the bike and had a coffee stop before catching the 16.45pm ferry back to Scrabster.
A great way to see Orkney, especially if the weather is good.


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