
Sober Os Peares Chouzan Nogueira de abaixo Belezar Sober


Trail photos

Photo ofSober Os Peares Chouzan Nogueira de abaixo Belezar Sober Photo ofSober Os Peares Chouzan Nogueira de abaixo Belezar Sober Photo ofSober Os Peares Chouzan Nogueira de abaixo Belezar Sober


Trail stats

58.69 mi
Elevation gain
7,759 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
8,163 ft
Max elevation
1,984 ft
Min elevation
333 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 30 minutes
3 hours 24 minutes
September 30, 2018
September 2018
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near Sober, Galicia (España)

Viewed 275 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSober Os Peares Chouzan Nogueira de abaixo Belezar Sober Photo ofSober Os Peares Chouzan Nogueira de abaixo Belezar Sober Photo ofSober Os Peares Chouzan Nogueira de abaixo Belezar Sober

Itinerary description

Enchanting drive aloñg the river Mino (Ourense side) on secondary roads with a small walk in Os Peares and plenty of views as well as passing a waterfall.
For the more faint hearted - the road we took to cross the rio Mino to Belezar is very narrow, just keep driving and take the next road signposted to Belezar for an even more enjoyable drive.
Walk: Os Peares just park after the bridge walk along the old houses under the railway to the public natural swimming pool (also picknick ops).
In Os Peares you find a bar at the station which is closed Tuesdays.

In Belezar is a boat landing and there are boats cruising the river as well as a small bar.

Before we drove home we visited the dam of Belezar unfortunately the two club nauticos are closed at the time of writing (Sept. 2018)


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