
Sāmsalas mazzināmās vietas [EST]


Trail photos

Photo ofSāmsalas mazzināmās vietas [EST] Photo ofSāmsalas mazzināmās vietas [EST] Photo ofSāmsalas mazzināmās vietas [EST]


Trail stats

148.02 mi
Elevation gain
518 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
479 ft
Max elevation
220 ft
Min elevation
15 ft
Trail type
One Way
one day 3 hours 16 minutes
June 8, 2018
June 2018
Be the first to clap

near Kuivastu, Saare (Estonia nutome)

Viewed 1605 times, downloaded 13 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSāmsalas mazzināmās vietas [EST] Photo ofSāmsalas mazzināmās vietas [EST] Photo ofSāmsalas mazzināmās vietas [EST]

Itinerary description

[LV] Šajā maršrutā iekļautas mazāk zināmas, taču ļoti jaukas Sāmsalas vietas. Jūs sagaida Korkveres ciems ar dzirnavām un Āvakivi dižakmeni, Peides zibens šķeltā baznīca, Koigi purva taka ar skatu torni, Laiduninas bāka, Kuresāres pils un akmens tilts, pārgājiens Harilaidas pussalā uz Kīpsāres bāku, kas saukta arī par Sāmsalas Pizas torni, Sūriku klintis... Un lai to visu redzētu, nāksies nostaigāt apmēram 30 km. [ENG] Saaremaa & Muhu islands. Estonia’s largest and third largest island are almost addictive: it is best to spend one’s summer holiday away from the mainland, in a completely different scenery, while staying at a tourism farm; whereas in the winter, it is superb to relax at spas. Thanks to its mild climate and lime-rich soil, Saaremaa and Muhu islands have very diverse flora and fauna. Nature enthusiasts are welcome to explore study trails at the Viidumäe Nature Reserve and the Vilsandi National Park, which boasts thousands of migratory birds and wild orchids. In this journey you will WALK about 30 km.

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Photo ofAsvas pilskalns Photo ofAsvas pilskalns Photo ofAsvas pilskalns

Asvas pilskalns

[LV] Asva – senās Asvas kultūras arheoloģiskā vieta. Asvas pilskalns ir viena no nozīmīgākajām bronzas laikmeta vietām Ziemeļeiropā. [ENG] There, behind the village on a low-lying hayfield is located one of the most archaeologically important bronze-age sites in Northern Europe. This site, Asva, has given its name to an entire culture. Asva culture was the westernmost reach of the Finno-Ugrian late Bronze Age culture. This culture was based on herding, seal hunting, the beginnings of agriculture and, bronze casting. During the Bronze Age, the ridge on which the settlement was located was an islet or peninsula in a shallow bay. Today, the sea has retreated many miles, and the settlement reminds us of its old seashore location only during spring flooding. The area was first excavated in 1930 and 1931 by a local resident, O. Reis, then a student at Tartu University. In those days, the location was still known as "Hill Fort Field" and O. Reis was looking for an answer for that name. His finds raised the interest of professional archaeologists. Later excavations (in 1934, 1938-1939 by R. Indreko, 1948 by A. Vasar, 1949 by M.Schmiedehelm, and 1965-1966 by V. Lõugas) verified the existence of the oldest (at that time) and the longest habited fortified settlement on Saaremaa. The entire settlement covers a 3,500 square meter area. Approximately 1/6 of that area has been excavated, a total of 5,800 finds has been collected. The oldest dated settlement was destroyed by fire sometime during 685 to 585 B.C. Soon, rebuilding started. The natural rise of the bluff was refortified with a mixture of soil and clay. Unfortunately, that one also fell to fire. There are signs of a continuing settlement from the beginning of the first millennium. More tensive building took place during the middle of the first millennium. The edges of the bluff were sharpened, walls were rebuilt and heightened. The site as we see it today dates to those years. Apparently, the site maintained its name, Hill Fort Field, in popular oral tradition, from those years dating back to the years around 500 A.D.

PictographFauna Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofHarilaidas pussalas takas ainava Photo ofHarilaidas pussalas takas ainava Photo ofHarilaidas pussalas takas ainava

Harilaidas pussalas takas ainava

Jauks, bet grūts (jo akmeņains) atpakaļceļs

PictographCar park Altitude 86 ft
Photo ofTaka uz Sūriku klintīm

Taka uz Sūriku klintīm

[LV] Jānovieto auto pie informācijas stenda un jādodas krasta virzienā

PictographCar park Altitude 68 ft
Photo ofCeliņš uz Asvas pilskalnu

Celiņš uz Asvas pilskalnu

Jānovieto auto un jādodas pāri pļavai uz Asvas pilskalnu

PictographPanorama Altitude 20 ft
Photo ofDambis Photo ofDambis


[LV] 3,5 km garais darbis celts 1896.gadā un savieno Muhu salu ar Sāmsalu. Dambi savulaik zemnieki esot saveduši ar ķerrām un vezumiem. [ENG] Muhu island is connected to Saaremaa by a causeway, the Väinatamm. 

PictographMonument Altitude 30 ft
Photo ofDzirnavas Photo ofDzirnavas Photo ofDzirnavas


[LV] Kõrkvere dzirnavas. [ENG] Kõrkvere windmill

PictographCampsite Altitude 46 ft
Photo ofHariladas atpūtas vieta Photo ofHariladas atpūtas vieta Photo ofHariladas atpūtas vieta

Hariladas atpūtas vieta

[LV] Kempinga vieta pie ezera. [ENG] Harilaiu camping area

PictographCar park Altitude 52 ft
Photo ofHarilaidas pussalas taka Photo ofHarilaidas pussalas taka Photo ofHarilaidas pussalas taka

Harilaidas pussalas taka

[LV] Harilaidas pussala ietilpst Vilsandi nacionālā parka teritorijā, un tikai ejot kājām, ir sasniedzama veina no interesantākajām bākām, kas ik pa laikam sasveras un atkal iztaisnojas - Kīpsāres bāku. Mums izdevās noiet 13,8 km. [ENG] The Harilai Peninsula is an area belonging to the Vilsandi National Park on the north-west coast of Saaremaa. The rectangular peninsula connects to the Tagamõisa Peninsula, Harilaiu's neck. Harilaiul has beautiful sandy beaches, streams and dunes. The sea-breaking activity is constantly shaping the coastline. Once you visit your site, anyone with your own eyes can make sure that changes to the coastline. There are several freshwater lakes in the peninsula, the largest in the Laialepa Bay. In addition to the interesting landscape, Harilaid has a large botanical and zoological value area that has been under nature conservation since 1924. Harilai has been uninhabited throughout history, and there is a feeling that you have come out of the far reach of civilization, and have given yourself control of the forces of nature. You are hiking in the camping area at Laialepa Lake. 4 km along the hiking trail. On the other side of the camping area is an open sea.

Photo ofJaunavas Marijas pareizticīgo baznīca Photo ofJaunavas Marijas pareizticīgo baznīca Photo ofJaunavas Marijas pareizticīgo baznīca

Jaunavas Marijas pareizticīgo baznīca

[LV] Jaunavas Marijas pareizticīgo baznīca Tornimäe ciemā patīkami pārsteidza ar to, ka durvis bija atvērtas, bet neviena uzrauga nebija. [EMG] Virgin Mary Orthodox church, Tornimäe

PictographCar park Altitude 46 ft
Photo ofKoigi purva taka Photo ofKoigi purva taka Photo ofKoigi purva taka

Koigi purva taka

[LV] Sāremā lielākajā purvā ierīkota 4,8 km gara pārgājienu taka. Realitātē apmēram 6 km. Taka klāta ar šķeldu, dēlīšiem un (kas īpaši batiks bērniem) - metāla konstrukcijām uz riepām. Vijās cauri purvam uz Pikkjerves (Pikkjärve) ezeru. Ezera krastā atrodas skatu platforma un 9 metrus augsts skatu tornis. No tā redzami ezeri. Naistejerves (Naistejärv) ezers esot radies no sieviešu, tostarp no Lielā Tella sievas Piretas, asarām. Koigi ezers pēc veco cilvēku stāstiem ir radies vietā, kur Karedas un Koigi muižas kungi strīdējās, un ezera dibenā esot vesela muiža. [ENG] Koigi bog hiking trail. The largest bog in Saare County with its 4.8 km trail is perfect for hiking. The footway and wooden boardwalk covered in wood chips pass through the bog around Lake Pikkjärv. There, you will find a lovely observation platform where you can relax and have a small picnic. There is also a 9 m observation tower overlooking the picturesque bog. In autumn, you can pick cranberries next to the trail. It is said that Lake Naistejärv (Women's Lake) is made up of women's tears, including those of Piret, the wife of Suur Tõll. Lake Koigi, however, is said to be located in the place where the owners of Kareda and Koigi Manor argued. Additionally, the whole manor is supposedly at the bottom of the lake.

PictographBridge Altitude 66 ft
Photo ofKuresāres akmens tilts Photo ofKuresāres akmens tilts Photo ofKuresāres akmens tilts

Kuresāres akmens tilts

[LV] Akmens tilts pār Pøduste upīti. Šis tilts ir vecākais un garākais akmens tilts Igaunijā. Tas tika uzbūvēts jau 18. gs., bet 20. gs. 90. gados vērienīgi restaurēts. Tilta konstrukcijā ietilpst daudzas, dažāda augstuma lokveida arkas. [ENG] Old stone bridge

Photo ofKuresāres pils Photo ofKuresāres pils Photo ofKuresāres pils

Kuresāres pils

[LV] Kuresāre ir vienīgā pilsēta Sāmsalā, salas administratīvais, ekonomiskais, kultūras dzīves centrs, kā arī lielākais kūrorts. Tagadējais nosaukums Kuressaare igauniski nozīmē „dzērvju sala”. Līdz 1917. gadam Kuresāri sauca par Arensburgu. No 1952.līdz 1988. g. pilsētas nosaukums bija Kingisepa. 1988. g. pilsētu oficiāli pārdēvēja tās senajā, igauniskajā vārdā: Kuresāre. Pilsētas simbols, vēstures spilgtākā liecība un ievērojamākais apskates objekts ir Kuresāres pils. Kuresāres pils ir savā oriģinālajā veidolā vislabāk saglabājusies viduslaiku pils Baltijas valstīs. Tā tika uzcelta 14. gs. 3. ceturksnī. Pils būvēta kā konventa tipa cietokšņa ansamblis, tai ir kvadrātveida plānojums (42,5x42,5 m). Pils būvniecībai tika izmantots vietējais Sāmsalas dolomīts. Pilij ir divi torņi – pa labi no ieejas pils pagalmā ir tā dēvētais Lielgabalu tornis jeb Šturvolta tornis, bet pa kreisi - Sargtornis, kas saukts par “Garo Hermani”. Sienu maksimālais biezums sasniedz 3 m, sienu augstums pārsniedz 20 m. 15.–, kad parādījās šaujamieroči, pils kompleksu papildināja,  uzbūvējot aizsargasienu ar torņiem. Līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājusies pils aizsargrāvju sistēma, ko ierīkoja 16.– Pāri kādreizējiem aizsarggrāvjiem tagad ved gleznaini tiltiņi. Kuresāres pils tika uzbūvēta kā Sāres-Lēnes (Ösel-Wiek – vācu val.) bīskapijas bīskapa rezidence, jo Kuresāre ietilpa Sāres-Lēnes bīskapijas administratīvajā teritorijā (tāpat kā citas Monzunda arhipelāga salas un Igaunijas rietumu daļa). (Bīskapija bija izveidota pēc tam, kad Sāmsalu iekaroja vācu krustneši un sala tika sadalīta bīskapijas teritorijā un Livonijas ordeņa īpašumā). Sāmsalas iedzīvotāju pretošanās iekarotājiem ilga no 13. gs. sākuma līdz pat 14. gs. 40. gadiem). Kuresāres pils bija bīskapa rezidence līdz 1560.gadam.  Pēdējais bīskaps - Johans fon Minhauzens  savas tiesības uz Kuresāri pārdeva Dānijai (Dānijas princis Magnuss, Dānijas  karaļa  Frederika II brālis,  Kuresārei 1563. g. piešķīra   pilsētas tiesības.) 1645.g. Kuresāre nonāca Zviedrijas teritorijas sastāvā, bet sākumā Ziemeļu kara rezultātā - Krievijas sastāvā. Karadarbībā Kuresāres pils būtiski necieta.  Neilgu laiku pilī bija cietums. Vēlāk iespaidīgajā un vēsturiski nozīmīgajā ēkā vietējā muižniecība ierīkoja savu reprezentācijas jeb bruņniecības namu. Pēc tam pilī tika iekārtots Sāmsalas Novadpētniecības muzejs, kas tur atrodas arī mūsdienās. Uz dažādiem pilī nopērkamiem suvenīriem un informatīvajiem materiāliem tiek attēlots Kuresāres pils noslēpumainais iemītnieks – pils sienās iemūrēts bruņinieks. Ir zināms, ka 1785.g., veicot Kuresāres pils pagrabu sakārtošanu, nejauši tika atrasta neliela, aizmūrēta niša, tā tika atlauzta, un tajā tika atrasts krēslā sēdošs skelets - bruņinieks, kas, visticamāk, iemūrēts Kuresāres pils sienā. Viena, romantiskā versija, – par bruņinieku, kurš iemīlējies mūķenē, atteicās no katoļu ticības un tādēļ tika iemūrēts pils mūros. Otra, politiskā versija, par kādu varas pārstavi, kurš atsūtīts nodrošināt mieru un kārtību Kuresārē, bet, vietējie, uzskatot viņa rīkojumus par netaisniem, atsūtīto varas pārstāvi iemūrējuši pils sienā. [ENG] Kuressaare Episcopal Castle, also known as Kuressaare Castle, was built in the 14th century. Today, the Castle houses Saaremaa Museum with its permanent exhibition and sundry temporary exhibitions.  The convent building of the Kuressaare Episcopal Castle is the only surviving medieval fortification in the Baltic countries that has not been significantly reconstructed. In addition to aesthetic pleasure that the elegant, decorous and magnificent architecture offers, a visit to the castle allows to explore the local history through an immediate experience and to feel the breath of the Middle Ages.

PictographMonument Altitude 30 ft
Photo ofKõrkvere Photo ofKõrkvere Photo ofKõrkvere


[LV] Mazs jauks etnogrāfisks ciems, kas nav tūristu īpaši apmeklēts, un tas to padara vēl jaukāku. Un tajā atrodamas gan dzirnavas, gan lielākais Sāmsalas akmens Āvakivi. [ENG] Korkvere in the region of Saaremaa with it's 97 habitants is a town located in Estonia - some 137 km South-West of Tallinn, the country's capital.

PictographMonument Altitude 36 ft
Photo ofKīpsāres bāka Photo ofKīpsāres bāka Photo ofKīpsāres bāka

Kīpsāres bāka

[LV] Kīpsāres (Kiipsaare) bāka tika pabeigta 1933. gadā un tā ir 26 metru augsta. Sākotnēji tornis tika uzbūvēts 100 metru attālumā no pludmales, bet šodien tas krasta līnijas izmaiņu dēļ atrodas jūrā. 

Spēcīgu vētras vēju un viļņu ietekmē, pirms daudziem gadiem bāka strauji sasvērās uz sānu. Tāpēc bāka tika nokristīta par Sāremā Pizas Torni. Vēlāk vēja brāzmas un viļņi sasvēra bāku daudzmaz taisni.  [ENG] Kiipsaare lighthouse was completed in 1933 and is 26 metres high. Initially, the lighthouse was constructed about 100 m from the coast; however, due to changes in the shoreline, it is now located in sea waters.

Because of strong storms and waves, the lighthouse that is standing on a steep coast became tilted years ago. Therefore, the lighthouse received a nickname the Pisa Tower of Saaremaa. Strong gusts of wind and waves pushed the lighthouse into a more upright position later.

Good to know:
As the lighthouse is located on the territory of Vilsandi National Park, it can only be accessed on foot. The distance from car park to the lighthouse is about 4 km, and the lighthouse can only be viewed from the outside.

PictographMonument Altitude 52 ft
Photo ofLaiduninas bāka Photo ofLaiduninas bāka Photo ofLaiduninas bāka

Laiduninas bāka

[LV] Laiduninas bāka, kas pēc neparasta projekta celta 1907.gadā, darbojusies tikai līdz 1924.gadam. Gaismas aparāts, kurš nomontēts no Laiduninas bākas pēc tās darbības apturēšanas, uzmontēts Kibasāres bākā. [ENG] Laidunina lighthouse. The beautiful brick lighthouse together with its outbuildings (keeper’s house, staff house, sauna, storage hut, paraffin store, cellar, well) on the Sõrve peninsula on the eastern coast of the island of Saaremaa was built in 1907. The author of the design is generally considered to be the notable military engineer Alexander Yaron who at that time was engaged in lighthouse construction. During World War I, however, it became clear that the chosen location of the lighthouse was insufficient. Thus, in 1916 its apparatus was dismantled and relocated to a wooden lighthouse at Kübassaare. Today, the outbuildings remain in ruins as most of them were demolished already in the 1920s due to the lack of building material. Although the lighthouse has lost its initial function, it is valued as a remarkable piece of architecture with fine dolomite detailing and listed as an architectural monument. 

Photo ofPeides baznīca Photo ofPeides baznīca Photo ofPeides baznīca

Peides baznīca

[LV] Zibens šķeltā Peides (Sv. Marijas) baznīca celta 1227.gadā un ar savu masīvo izskatu vairāk atgādina cietoksni. Tā ir sliktā stāvoklī, bet šeit joprojām notiek dievkalpojumi.  [ENG] Pöide Church (Pöide kirik). The current Pöide Church building is believed to be constructed on the remains of an earlier chapel dating from the 13th century. After the conquest of Saaremaa in 1227, the eastern part of the island belonged to the Livonian Order, who built a fortress at Pöide as their headquarters during the second half of the 13th century. This fortress was destroyed by the Saaremaa natives during the wave of uprisings against the occupying forces that took place in Estonia and Saaremaa during the St.George's Night Uprising of 1343. There was a chapel on the southern side of the fortress, and the walls of this chapel today form the central part of Pöide church. Owing to its massive form, it is colloquially named the fortress-church. The building was looted and burnt during World War II and also used as a storage facility. It suffered severe damage in a fire in 1940, when lightning struck the tower. The large crack in the tower from the lightning can still be seen today. Pöide church has been renovated and reconstructed gradually since 1989. The chancel, stone altar, and vestry have been renovated. The main part of the building (including the nave, roof, and spire) still awaits renovation. Owing to its massive form, it is colloquially named the fortress-church. The building was looted and burnt during World War II and also used as a storage facility. It suffered severe damage in a fire in 1940, when lightning struck the tower. The large crack in the tower from the lightning can still be seen today. Pöide church has been renovated and reconstructed gradually since 1989. The chancel, stone altar, and vestry have been renovated. The main part of the building (including the nave, roof, and spire) still awaits renovation. Several big tombstones inside the church are displayed behind glass, showing the importance of the church as a cultural centre for nearby communities during previous centuries. These include the tombstone of a headless knight, Heinrich von Schulmann, a nobleman from nearby Tumala estate, who was executed in 1613 (during the Danish reign) in Copenhagen for being politically connected with the Swedish authorities. Today, a small Lutheran congregation is active, with about 30 members. In the summer, church services are held twice a month in the church building. During the winter, the services are held in nearby pastorate. On 28 July 2006 the first Roman Catholic wedding was held in Pöide church since the Reformation era.

PictographLake Altitude 56 ft
Photo ofPikkjerves ezers Photo ofPikkjerves ezers Photo ofPikkjerves ezers

Pikkjerves ezers

[LV] Ainavisks ezers ar ūdensrozēm [ENG]

PictographFerry Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofPrāmis Photo ofPrāmis Photo ofPrāmis


[LV] Sāmsala jeb Sāremā ir 97km gara un 47 km plata. Tā ir Igaunijas lielākā un Baltijas jūras trešā lielākā sala. Sāmsalā dzīvo aptuveni 33 tūkstoši iedzīvotāju, kas gandrīz 100% sastāv no igauņiem. No Kolkas raga līdz Sāmsalai (Sēres ragam) ir apmēram 32 kilometri, taču nākas doties gandrīz līdz Tallinai, lai ar prāmi maršrutā Virtsu-Kuivastu šurp nokļūtu. [ENG] Saaremaa is reached by TS Laevad's ferries from Virtsu on the Estonian mainland to Kuivastu on Muhu island, which is itself connected to Saaremaa by a causeway, the Väinatamm. 

PictographPanorama Altitude 89 ft
Photo ofSkatu tornis Photo ofSkatu tornis Photo ofSkatu tornis

Skatu tornis

[LV] Koigi purva takas skatu tornis ir 9 m augsts. [ENG] Watchtower

PictographPhoto Altitude 72 ft
Photo ofSūriku klintis Photo ofSūriku klintis Photo ofSūriku klintis

Sūriku klintis

[LV] Sūriku (Suuriku) klintis - ļoti nomaļas miljoniem gadu vecas kaļķakmens klintis mežonīgi skaistā kratsā. Atrodamas fosilijas. [ENG] Suuriku cliff is situated in Kihelkonna parish, northeast from the Undva village. Of all cliffs in Saaremaa Suuriku is the second highest (up to 20 m) and longest (1,6 km).  It's interesting, that the whole cliff of Tagalahe continues under the water with a second cliff. That's the reason, why many ships have sunk nearby.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 10 ft
Photo ofTaka uz Laiduninas bāku Photo ofTaka uz Laiduninas bāku Photo ofTaka uz Laiduninas bāku

Taka uz Laiduninas bāku

[LV] Pie vārtiņiem jānovoeto aito un jādodas 7,9 km garā pastaigā uz Laiduninas bāku

Photo ofVekras upurakmens Photo ofVekras upurakmens

Vekras upurakmens

[LV] Sens kulta akmens Sāmsalas vidienē.cInteresants arī kā dabas objekts. Tas ir pats lielākais svētakmens Sāmsalā. [ENG] Large stone

PictographFauna Altitude 30 ft
Photo ofĀvakivi dižakmens Photo ofĀvakivi dižakmens Photo ofĀvakivi dižakmens

Āvakivi dižakmens

[LV] Āvakivi dižakmens ir lielākais Sāmsalas akmens - 200 kubikmetri, kas ir daudz lielāks par Piretas akmeni, ko bieži masu tūristiem uzrāda kā lielāko. [ENG] Aavakivi (Kõrkvere Aivakivi, Kõrkvere Crusade ) is a giant stone. The dimensions of the stone are as follows: length 9.8 m, width 6.9 m, height 4.5 m, circumference 25.2 m.


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