


Trail photos

Photo ofМекка-Таиф Photo ofМекка-Таиф Photo ofМекка-Таиф


Trail stats

188.93 mi
Elevation gain
6,463 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
6,365 ft
Max elevation
6,537 ft
Min elevation
931 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
4 hours 41 minutes
7 hours 52 minutes
December 30, 2023
December 2023
Be the first to clap

near Ḩayy at Taysīr, Mecca Region (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Viewed 24 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofМекка-Таиф Photo ofМекка-Таиф Photo ofМекка-Таиф

Itinerary description

Пересечение Миката


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,272 ft
Photo ofВерблюжья ферма

Верблюжья ферма

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,272 ft
Photo ofВерблюжье молоко

Верблюжье молоко

Свежий удой

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,272 ft
Photo ofРаботник фермы суданец

Работник фермы суданец

Ему 50 лет

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,542 ft
Photo ofФабрика по производству розового масла

Фабрика по производству розового масла

Производство демонстрируют лишь на экране))

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,562 ft
Photo ofПроизводство


PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,568 ft
Photo ofПроизводство


PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,558 ft
Photo ofМаршрутная точка

Маршрутная точка

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,562 ft
Photo ofМаршрутная точка

Маршрутная точка

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,512 ft
Photo ofБиблиотека


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,512 ft
Photo ofМечеть


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,522 ft
Photo ofМечеть им. Абдуллы ибн ‘Аббаса

Мечеть им. Абдуллы ибн ‘Аббаса

The Prophet ﷺ said: “O Allah, make him versed in religion!” and therefore he found a lot of knowledge and was one of those who strived for knowledge. When the Prophet ﷺ died, he had almost reached adulthood. Ibn 'Abbas died in Taif in 68 AH, may Allah be pleased with him. Because of his vast and deep knowledge, Abdullah received the nickname "Habr al-umma" (scholar of the entire community). He transmitted 1660 hadiths of the Prophet ﷺ. The hadiths of Abu al-Sha'sa, Abul-'Aliya, Sa'id ibn Jubair, Ibn al-Musayyib, 'Ata ibn Yasar and others were transmitted from him. Musa ibn 'Ubaydah said: “'Umar consulted with Ibn 'Abbas and said : “The one who reaches for pearls.” 'Ikrima said: "When Ibn 'Abbas passed along the road, the women said: 'A musk or Ibn 'Abbas passed by!'" Masruq said: "When I saw Ibn 'Abbas, I said: 'He is the most beautiful of people!'" When he spoke, I said: “The most eloquent among people!” When he spoke, I said: “He is the most knowledgeable of people, and his virtues were numerous!” Abu Nu'aym said: “He died in 68 AH.” Ibn Buqair said: “(He died) in Taif, and Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya performed the funeral prayer over him.”

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,518 ft
Photo ofТаиф


PictographRuins Altitude 5,515 ft
Photo ofРуины старой мечети Абдуллы ибн ‘Аббаса

Руины старой мечети Абдуллы ибн ‘Аббаса

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,554 ft
Photo ofМесджид Биляль

Месджид Биляль

PictographReligious site Altitude 5,574 ft
Photo ofМечеть Пророка в Таифе

Мечеть Пророка в Таифе

Здесь курайшиты его закидывали камнями

PictographIntersection Altitude 5,384 ft
Photo ofГород Таиф

Город Таиф

Очень зеленый

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,960 ft
Photo ofМикат для жителей Ниджада и тех, кто проходит через него.

Микат для жителей Ниджада и тех, кто проходит через него.

Qarn or Qarn al-Manazil is a town now known as al-Sail al-Kabir, located along Wadi Qarn on the road between Mecca and Taif, passing through the palm grove of Al-Yamaniyah. It is located 58 km northeast of Mecca and 40 km north of Taif. Karn al-Manazil is a miqat for the people of Najd and those passing through it. It was described by Ibn Khordadbeh as a large village in the third century AH. There are two mosques that serve as miqats: the Wadi Mahram mosque, located at the top of the Qarn al-Manazil valley, on the road between Taif and Mecca, about 15 km from the center of Taif, and another mosque located in Al-Sail. al-Kabir. Both mosques are valid miqats, since Karn is the complex name of the mosque.

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PictographMountain pass Altitude 3,960 ft
Photo ofГорный перевал

Горный перевал

PictographFlora Altitude 3,202 ft
Photo ofРастительность


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,919 ft
Photo ofВъезд в Мекку

Въезд в Мекку


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