
Remolar-Filipines Nature Reserve Bird Watching



Trail stats

2.61 mi
Elevation gain
3 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3 ft
Max elevation
23 ft
Min elevation
-1 ft
Trail type
November 28, 2018
Be the first to clap

near El Mas Blau, Catalunya (España)

Viewed 159 times, downloaded 0 times

Itinerary description

We begin on the access road that leads to the coast, passing a large, long lagoon on the left with often contains mallard ducks and great crested grebes.
We sign in at the park kiosk and cross a strip of land which crosses two lagoons. Turning right, we'll pass an area that has large numbers of orchids in the spring, and ladies' tresses orchids in September. We pass by blackberry bushes (for snacking in season), and come to a large bird watching hide. Depending on the season, species commonly seen here include little grebes, marsh harriers, common sandpipers, collared pratincoles, purple gallinules, sandwich terns, kentish plovers, shelducks, gadwalls, shovelers, red-crested pochards, ferruginous ducks, cormorants, cattle and little egrets, gray herons, kingfishers, water pipit, night and purple herons, black-winged stilts, whiskered and gull-billed terns, little crakes, spotted redshank, greylag geese, common snipe, and yellow wagtails.
We return the way we came and pass by some observation blinds, then enter another bird watching hide overlooking a different part of the same large lagoon. We may find all of the same species of birds here.
We follow a path which takes us past an area with lots of orchids in the spring, and along a lagoon, then go back the way we arrived.


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