
WCRVBB T09-TOUR OF MENORCA 194 km in 4 Stages


Trail photos

Photo ofWCRVBB T09-TOUR OF MENORCA 194 km in 4 Stages Photo ofWCRVBB T09-TOUR OF MENORCA 194 km in 4 Stages Photo ofWCRVBB T09-TOUR OF MENORCA 194 km in 4 Stages


Trail stats

123.71 mi
Elevation gain
5,453 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,446 ft
Max elevation
1,135 ft
40 5
Min elevation
-3 ft
Trail type
19 hours 56 minutes
March 17, 2012
March 2012
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near Maó, Baleares (España)

Viewed 10871 times, downloaded 70 times

Trail photos

Photo ofWCRVBB T09-TOUR OF MENORCA 194 km in 4 Stages Photo ofWCRVBB T09-TOUR OF MENORCA 194 km in 4 Stages Photo ofWCRVBB T09-TOUR OF MENORCA 194 km in 4 Stages

Itinerary description

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Aquesta és la volta a la illa de Menorca (Illes Balears). Si bé fer la volta circular és impossible, ja que només hi ha carreteres al centre, s'intenta fer la volta passant per carreteres exteriors  al màxim possible. Sortim de Maó, per anar cap a la costa nord, arribant al far de Cavalleria, i llavors arribar fins a Ciutadella. Es torna a Maó passant per la carretera central i trams de carreteres secundàries al maxim meridionals possible.

Esta es la vuelta a la isla de Menorca (Islas Baleares). Si bien la vuelta circular es imposible, ya que sólo hay carreteras en el centro, se intenta dar la vuelta pasando por carreteras exteriores al máximo posible. Salimos de Maó, para ir hacia la costa norte, llegando al faro de Cavalleria, y entonces llegar hasta Ciutadella. Se vuelve a Maó pasando por la carretera central y tramos carreteras secundarias al máximo meridionales posible.

This is the tour to the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands). While it is impossible to move around, as there are only roads in the center, we try to make the round trip using the most outer possible roads. Leaving Maó to go to the north coast, reaching Cavalleria lighthouse, and then reach Ciutadella. We returm to Maó riding along the central road and the most southern secondary roads possibles.


The tour starts in Maó, and we head north with secondary roads to Favarix Cape. As you go far away from Maó you find less traffic, till you reach Favaritx Cape which is a very solitary place, sometime similar to the moon. After visit the lighthouse, in a very rocky and impressive place, you return and turn left to take a non paved path then crosses many kilometers to the road to Fornells. After finishing the stage in Fornells, we visit Cape de Cavalleria with the lighthouse over the impressive cliffs.

After the first night in Fornells, the route continues to Ciutadella, following the main road. We cross es Mercadal and Ferreries as two important inland villages. The stage finishes in Ciutadella, where you can visit the old harbour, the old city with its narrow streets and many interesting buildings as the council building.

Next stage you ride back the main road, but first we take a secondary road to visit Navete des Tudons, a megalitic monument that can be visited freely, and if you follow the track more interesting megalitic stone constructions. Particulary beautiful are all this secondary roads with the typical fence constructed with stones that farmers found in the fields and disturb for the harvesting. Te stage finish at Mercadal, which is a comercial city, the main in the center.

Last stage starts with the climb to the Toro Sanctuary, next to as Mercadal, with steep slopes and excellents views on his top. The route continues to Mao, but taking some secondary roads to the south of the island. You pass Alaior and more megalitic monuments, and in Sant Climent you turn right directly to the coast. You follow a beautiful road than passes some fisher villages and you reach Binibequer, famous for his charming white houses near the sea.

The rest of the route returns to Mao via Sant Lluis, and the main road returns to Mao. After visiting all the harbour, the route heads to the Mola Cape, with the castle and impressive views to Mao Harbour. End of the route.


We do the trip with a mountain bikes. All the route is paved except for the part after Favaritx Cape in the first stage. So perhaps a touring bike is the best.

You must avoid summer for the hot temperatures and the massification of tourists, except you prefer take baths in the lone beaches that are only reacdhable by foot. Easter time is perfect because there are few tourists and some hotels are open (not all) but enough to make the route. Weather is not bad in this time, despite we had some rain.

There are many hotels that during easter are opened. From may to setember you have high session with may hotels to choice.

The route is not very hilly. The main road has quite traffic, but we tried to take many secondary roads, which are very beautiful and with few cars in the road.

The best way from Spain is by ferry (Barcelona, Valencia, ...). Is very comfortable to carry the bikes. From abroad, you can take the plane to Mao Airport.


The trip is in four stages. Here you have the map of the trip with all the stages:

Podeu contactar amb per mes informació.

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- BCNVBB, for one day routes around Barcelona.
- RBTTCASSA, for MTB routes around Cassa de la Selva (Girona).

Have a nice trip!


PictographMountain hut Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofSTAGE1:FOR



PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft



PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft



Comments  (3)

  • Photo of eserrasalvi
    eserrasalvi Feb 18, 2013


    I have followed this trail  View more

    Com a companya de viatge, dir que es una llàstima que no es pugui fer la volta en rodó a l'illa, i s'hagi de fer trams per les carreteres principals. Però els dos fars (Cavalleria i Favaritx) tenen paisatges espectaculars. El temps no ens va acompanyar gaire.

  • Nach61162 Jul 18, 2013

    Estupendo trabajo....
    Referente a la ruta de menorca...tengo dos cuestiones por que me puedas responder...
    1ª saliendo desde el puerto de valencia y de llegada a el puerto de menorca..donde seria el emplazamiento mas facil de reconocer y que direccion tomar para iniciar esta ruta en cuestion ????
    2ª en cuanto al momento de pernoctar como estaria el asunto de albergues,hostales o quizas en vivac con saco de dormir,aunque me decanto por lo ultimo por mis escasos recursos economicos actualmente.podrias informarme algo.

  • Photo of bicings
    bicings Aug 4, 2013

    Desconozco donde llegan los barcos de Valencia. Supongo que en el mismo puerto de Maón. Para seguir la ruta hay que tomar dirección a Cap Faveritx.
    El tema de alojamientos, nosotros fuimos de pensiones y hoteles baratillos. No sé si se puede hacer vivac. Supongo que si te pones de acuerdo con algun propietario te puede dejar acampar en algún campo. Nosotros fuimos hace diez años. Supongo que no habrá cambiado mucho la cosa. En agosto debe haber mucha gente y precios elevados. Nosotros fuimos en semana santa y es genial. Hay cosas abiertas pero no està nada a tope y los precios son mucho más baratos.


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