
Etapa 18. Gabcikovo-Esztergom 113 km



Trail stats

70.52 mi
Elevation gain
177 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
220 ft
Max elevation
423 ft
Min elevation
336 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 40 minutes
December 29, 2023
July 2023
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near Gabčíkovo, Trnavský (Slovenská republika)

Viewed 6 times, downloaded 0 times

Itinerary description

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I have slept better than ever. How I miss sleeping on a mattress, although setting up the store and all the management that it entails is also funny... However, I think that from now on the prices will go down and I will be able to sleep in more beds and less floor.

I went to sleep a little before 10:00 p.m., so at 6:00 a.m. I was already awake. However, I didn't go out until 7, I took it easy and had my yogurt with banana and cookies for breakfast.

The day started cloudy and cool. I almost had to take out my raincoat but it held up and in about two hours the sky opened and the sun came out spreading heat.

Today's route was simple, flat and, just like yesterday, with equal long kilometers. The good thing is that they were done very quickly, the bad thing is that sometimes it was a little boring, but I got distracted by sending audios to almost my entire contact book, hehehe...

There has only been one part where the road was full of small stones and annoying gravel, which made rapid progress impossible. Luckily, it was at the very end, although if I had gone along the secondary road, almost next to the road, I would have been saved the ordeal.

The heat was strong but at 1:30 p.m. we had already crossed the Hungarian border. Just like two years ago, I coincide with a festival here (two years ago it was celebrated on August 6, I thought it wouldn't coincide...) The fact is that they have reserved the entire campsite for the festival people and I have nowhere to sleep. The closest place is 38km away and I don't feel like anything, so I rest by the river. I see people bathing and I take the opportunity to cool off and remove the sweat and sunscreen.

Later I go to the supermarket and search for a quiet, remote place to sleep. Finally I am 2km from the center, next to the river. There are thousands of tiger mosquitoes and when I finish setting up the tent, a good splash of water falls. It stops right away but leaving the store is equivalent to 6 bites per minute.

I read a book, have an early dinner, act brave taking photos jumping next to the river, avoiding mosquito bites, and quickly return to the store.

Tomorrow I will meet Peter around 10:00 in the morning in a town on the way to Budapest. I will spend the day with him and his family. Peter is a guy I met two years ago doing Eurovelo 6 and with whom, after two years, I still keep in touch via email. Sometimes, you meet people who, after just a few hours, it seems like you've known them your whole life! So tomorrow it will be a few kilometers, to rest, be with them and, perhaps, visit the city again.


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