
Bariloche to Esquel - Double Andes Crossing - by carretera Austral - Cycletouring - 2 week


Trail photos

Photo ofBariloche to Esquel - Double Andes Crossing - by carretera Austral - Cycletouring - 2 week Photo ofBariloche to Esquel - Double Andes Crossing - by carretera Austral - Cycletouring - 2 week Photo ofBariloche to Esquel - Double Andes Crossing - by carretera Austral - Cycletouring - 2 week


Trail stats

423.43 mi
Elevation gain
26,352 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
27,195 ft
Max elevation
3,383 ft
Min elevation
0 ft
Trail type
One Way
April 9, 2020
April 2020
Be the first to clap

near Balneario Municipal, Río Negro (Argentina)

Viewed 309 times, downloaded 9 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBariloche to Esquel - Double Andes Crossing - by carretera Austral - Cycletouring - 2 week Photo ofBariloche to Esquel - Double Andes Crossing - by carretera Austral - Cycletouring - 2 week Photo ofBariloche to Esquel - Double Andes Crossing - by carretera Austral - Cycletouring - 2 week

Itinerary description

Patagonia Bike Trips -
Bike rental & Tours - Alquiler de bicicletas y alforjas para viajes

Long term bike rentals.
Bicycles, panniers, bikepacking gear.
One way bicycle trips
Bike tours

We have the best bikes & routes for you!
Bikepacking, cycletouring, singletracks, guided tours.
Best in Bariloche - Patagonia - Argentina

Whatsapp: +54 9 2944 532470 (lucas)
Instagram: @cyclingpatagonia

Si dispones de 2 semanas y quieres hacer el viaje de tu vida, este circuito va a cumplir tus expectativas.
A lo largo de la ruta vas a tomar 5 ferris, pedalear unos 500 kilómetros y cruzar la cordillera de los Andes en 2 oportunidades.
Prepárate para pedalear una sección de la famosísima carretera austral chilena y conocer pueblos en donde el tiempo parece haberse detenido, a tomar un descanso.
A lo largo de la ruta hay variedad de campings y hospedajes, lugares mágicos y paisajes únicos.
Nuestras bicicletas están preparadas para lograrlo. Nuestras alforjas, trailers y equipos son los mejores para este tipo de travesías.
Al final del recorrido, podes dejar los equipos, y nosotros nos encargamos de buscarlos.
Vamos a sincerarnos… este circuito no es para cualquier persona… vas a llegar al límite de tus aptitudes físicas y mentales, y seguramente cambies un poco, el modo de ver las cosas, cuando llegues al destino final.

If you have 2 weeks and want to take the trip of a lifetime, this circuit will meet your expectations.
Along the route you will take 5 ferries, pedal 500 kilometers and cross the Andes in 2 opportunities.
Get ready to pedal a section of the famous Chilean southern highway and visit towns where time seems to have stopped, to take a break.
Along the route there are a variety of campsites and lodgings, magical places and unique landscapes.
Our bikes are ready to do it. Our saddlebags, trailers and equipment are the best for this type of journey.
At the end of the tour, you can leave the equipment, and we take care of looking for them.
Let's be honest ... this circuit is not for anyone ... you will reach the limit of your physical and mental abilities, and you will surely change a little, the way of seeing things, when you reach the final destination.

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