
6. NORUEGA: Innvik - Loen. 26/07/12


Trail photos

Photo of6. NORUEGA: Innvik - Loen. 26/07/12 Photo of6. NORUEGA: Innvik - Loen. 26/07/12 Photo of6. NORUEGA: Innvik - Loen. 26/07/12


Trail stats

45.89 mi
Elevation gain
1,716 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,654 ft
Max elevation
1,166 ft
Min elevation
-78 ft
Trail type
One Way
11 hours 5 minutes
January 1, 2013
July 2012
Be the first to clap

near Innvik, Sogn og Fjordane (Norge)

Viewed 1737 times, downloaded 21 times

Trail photos

Photo of6. NORUEGA: Innvik - Loen. 26/07/12 Photo of6. NORUEGA: Innvik - Loen. 26/07/12 Photo of6. NORUEGA: Innvik - Loen. 26/07/12

Itinerary description

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We left Innvik bordering the Nordfjord along a road at the edge of the fjord until we reach Olden, where we enter a valley in the direction of the Briksdalbreen, the best-known glacier tongue of the Jostedalsbreen. The valley is magnificent, with views to the bottom of the glacier. In Briksdal there are some shops and restaurants and it is where you have to take a footpath of about 3 kms, since the circulation of bicycles is prohibited, until a lake where the glacier tongue ends. Along the trail there are signs indicating the place where the glacier came from years ago, which makes you realize the enormous backwardness it has had in the last century. It is an amazing place and from time to time you hear the thunderous noise of ice blocks cracking. At the turn of the path a couple of French take us in their van to Olden undoing the road we have climbed the valley for 20 kms. You can also take a bus to Olden, but the last one that leaves at 18:00 we have lost it.
Back in Olden, we continued along the Nordfjord until we reached Loen, where we rented a 4-bed cabin in a campsite (400 NOK).


PictographWaypoint Altitude 449 ft

Autostop Briksdal-Olden

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,149 ft

Glaciar Briksdalbreen

PictographWaypoint Altitude 30 ft

Noche: Loen (camping)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 566 ft

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