


Trail photos

Photo of009-Drage-Trogir Photo of009-Drage-Trogir Photo of009-Drage-Trogir


Trail stats

55.13 mi
Elevation gain
2,595 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,677 ft
Max elevation
1,474 ft
Min elevation
-20 ft
Trail type
One Way
7 hours 24 minutes
January 14, 2015
January 2015
Be the first to clap

near Drage, Zadarska (Hrvatska)

Viewed 870 times, downloaded 12 times

Trail photos

Photo of009-Drage-Trogir Photo of009-Drage-Trogir Photo of009-Drage-Trogir

Itinerary description

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Drage - Trogir

Trogir, the Greeks called Tragurión, founded in the 3rd century BC (wikipedia). The 4 star hotel where I am is not so old. (My reputation is coming to me in gold, now that I was convinced that it was cold, hunger and hardship!)
From Drage to Sibenik has been simply a process link, nothing interesting road with a lot of traffic, too many turrets. It was like pedaling on deep sea.
From Sibenik I left the coast to "make a shortcut towards Split", instead of continuing to follow the coast for the 8th, I shot the right one. This made me save me twenty kms at the bottom, although in time I am not sure I had saved me a lot.
The road but I liked it and strength, it may have sinned a bit of transit, but it was fine. Half-mountain landscape, tendency to climb, narrow highway, sparsely populated. He has touched the sun all day, but the air is fine.
Once dark, I came back to the coast, the road began to descend until Trogir appeared and a spectacular view of the entire coastal zone.
Since they were already quarters of 5 headdresses and the light of day was the evening, I decided to stay in Trogir.
After searching and searching, the cheapest option has been a 4 star ... I can not complain;)
Visit the old part, dinner and sleep, I notice the tiredness these days.
My question now is whether or not to go to Mostar, I dismissed Sarajevo and until he reached the junction to "go up", I will not decide. I also want to close the trip to Europe, which I will calculate in early February.

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of societat ilimitada
    societat ilimitada Jan 14, 2015

    Nano!!! que pijo que t'has tornat, no? a Xina ja t'obligaran a anar a H5*. ;b

  • Photo of csauleda
    csauleda Jan 15, 2015

    ja li vaig dir jo que quan surti d'Europa i vagi cap a xina ho passarà malament, acostumat ara a dormir a hotels de 4 estrelles!!!


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