
Bivacco Val Loga from Montespluga 31/12/2017


Trail photos

Photo ofBivacco Val Loga from Montespluga 31/12/2017 Photo ofBivacco Val Loga from Montespluga 31/12/2017 Photo ofBivacco Val Loga from Montespluga 31/12/2017


Trail stats

6.13 mi
Elevation gain
2,822 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,822 ft
Max elevation
9,081 ft
Min elevation
6,217 ft
Trail type
6 hours 23 minutes
August 22, 2019
December 2017

near Montespluga, Lombardia (Italia)

Viewed 779 times, downloaded 23 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBivacco Val Loga from Montespluga 31/12/2017 Photo ofBivacco Val Loga from Montespluga 31/12/2017 Photo ofBivacco Val Loga from Montespluga 31/12/2017

Itinerary description

Bivacco Val Loga from Montespluga
Participants: Manu, Ricky, Andrea, Marta, Marti

9:15h Sortim del parking de Montespluga amb els esquis posats i seguim el carrer Via Spluga que ens porta cap a dins de la vall.
9:45h arribem a un pont que creua el riu i seguim pujant per la vall seguint la mínima pendent.
10:45h La vall va tancant i cada cop la pendent es mes pronunciada. ara cal pujar fins el Bivacco fent zigzags.
13:20h Arribem al Bivacco Val Loga (Cecchini), descansem i mengem. Un cop fetes totes les fotos esquiem cap abaix fins al parking. Cal tenir en compte que l'ultim tros es molt pla i si no anem ràpid caldrà remar o posar les pells.
15:30 Arribem altre cop a Montespluga
Es una excursió fàcil i interesant ja que ens acosta a diferents cims de la zona


9:15h We leave the parking lot of Montespluga with the skis on and follow the street Via Spluga that takes us into the valley.
9:45h We arrive at a bridge that crosses the river and continue climbing the valley following the minimum gradient.
10:45h The valley is ending and every time the slope is more pronounced. Now you have to go up to Bivacco by zigzagging.
13:20h We arrive at Bivacco Val Loga (Cecchini), take a rest and eat. Once all the photos are done, we ski down to the parking lot. It is necessary to keep in mind that the last part is very flat and if we do not go fast it will be necessary to row or put the skins.
15:30h We arrive again at Montespluga

It is an easy and interesting tour as it brings us near different peaks in the area

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PictographWilderness hut Altitude 9,094 ft
Photo ofBivacco Val Loga Photo ofBivacco Val Loga Photo ofBivacco Val Loga

Bivacco Val Loga

PictographCar park Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofParking Photo ofParking Photo ofParking



PictographBridge Altitude 6,280 ft
Photo ofVia Spluga Photo ofVia Spluga Photo ofVia Spluga

Via Spluga


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