
2019-03-11 Romsdal - Blanebba


Trail photos

Photo of2019-03-11 Romsdal - Blanebba Photo of2019-03-11 Romsdal - Blanebba Photo of2019-03-11 Romsdal - Blanebba


Trail stats

5.05 mi
Elevation gain
3,041 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,041 ft
Max elevation
4,342 ft
Min elevation
1,144 ft
Trail type
3 hours 13 minutes
March 20, 2019
March 2019

near Liabygda, Møre og Romsdal (Norge)

Viewed 420 times, downloaded 24 times

Trail photos

Photo of2019-03-11 Romsdal - Blanebba Photo of2019-03-11 Romsdal - Blanebba Photo of2019-03-11 Romsdal - Blanebba

Itinerary description

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20190311 Romsdal Blånebba (1,320 m)

It is Monday and today it seems that the snowfall will give us a truce, although if we have to open a footprint it will cost us with everything that has fallen. We have planned to go to Blånneba (1,320 m) from the parking lot of the Venjedalssetra farms in the Venjesdalen valley. We touch target at 7:00, and at 8:30 we are at the tollgate, apoquinamos 15 NOK (Norwegian crowns) with the credit card on the machine and opens the barrier to reach the parking, which is about 380 meters of altitude

The road is completely white but with the winter wheels we arrived well. We see that two other guys have gone ahead with skis, so we will have an open footprint, good!

We see the summit a thousand meters above us, but first we have to climb a forest, draw a river and make a detour through a valley hanging to the right to win the hill that will leave us on the back, which we will finally cover and that will raise us to its top.

We left at 9:00 and we progressed along the track, until we reached the hill after a thousand meters. In the hill (1,178 m) there is no trace, the boys have reached there and have come down. The view imposes, and the clouds do not make it more bearable, cornices to the left and ravine to the right, so be careful when going down, although at least the snow is loose, it is not too venteada nor frozen, and that helps, go what if it helps

The views over the Rauma river and the village of Åndalsnes are breathtaking, and I do not tell you anymore about the horn-shaped summit of the Romsdalhorn (1,550 m), and the wall of the Troll or Trollveggen (1,788 m), which went down Kilian Jornet skiing on March 2018 ... A-lu-ci-nan-te !! The one that can not be seen is the rocky spire of the Store Venjetind (1,852 m), in front of our noses.

It's 11:09. Cool breeze blows (more than fresh), we take the pictures of rigor and some more and we return to the pass. The beginning is narrow and the patio on both sides important, having seen some shark (hidden stone) and some ice under the snow ... we go down a small stretch in wedge because it is not too visible, some little clouds come to give us a campion and you have to make sure ... after that stretch you get off better until the hill, where we have until you row. A few drinks of tea to warm up and let's see if we can ski in 30 cm of Norwegian powder snow ... Today the sun has barely appeared and it has not warmed up the snow leaving it wet and heavy (the orientation also helped today), as it happened to us in Kirketaket. It is absolutely magical to slip through this snow, float effortlessly and catch a speed that allows you to turn gently. We went down the first shovel with northeasterly orientation, from the pull, from 1,180 m to about 850 m, 300 meters of pure joy, and we were gawking at our tracks.

We continue towards the forest enjoying this delicious snow, just for one of these days it is worth the trip, we draw the trees with better or worse luck, enjoying until getting down to the car. From the hill we have taken 35 minutes, and that we have been recording, talking, laughing, stopping ... living the ski.

We have a picnic right there, with some food and some beers and we are going to take advantage of the fact that it is still noon, to visit the Troll or Trollstigen road, in the Isterlinden valley, and the Troll wall, which is in another valley , the Romsdalen, below our peak. The Troll road is only clean up to a campsite, from where we make a section on foot between its monumental walls. Then we will go back to the car to see the wall of the Troll. It's amazing to think that someone would come down with skis ... The Fiva route that was promoted for the first time in winter in 1972 ... but to descend it with skis and snow-ice slopes of 62º ... is another matter. Chapeau Kilian !!

Piece full day. It will remain in our memory forever, no doubt.

They leave about 8.5 km for 950 meters of altitude in 3:15 total, enjoying every step and every skimmed centimeter.

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