
2018/03/25 Geitgaljetind (1085m) 'LOFOTEN' (NORWAY)


Trail photos

Photo of2018/03/25 Geitgaljetind (1085m) 'LOFOTEN' (NORWAY) Photo of2018/03/25 Geitgaljetind (1085m) 'LOFOTEN' (NORWAY) Photo of2018/03/25 Geitgaljetind (1085m) 'LOFOTEN' (NORWAY)


Trail stats

6.01 mi
Elevation gain
3,917 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,901 ft
Max elevation
3,550 ft
52 5
Min elevation
14 ft
Trail type
One Way
5 hours 37 minutes
June 18, 2018
March 2018
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near Laupstad, Nordland (Norge)

Viewed 1905 times, downloaded 165 times

Trail photos

Photo of2018/03/25 Geitgaljetind (1085m) 'LOFOTEN' (NORWAY) Photo of2018/03/25 Geitgaljetind (1085m) 'LOFOTEN' (NORWAY) Photo of2018/03/25 Geitgaljetind (1085m) 'LOFOTEN' (NORWAY)

Itinerary description

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Today is our last day of activity in Lofoten. And to round off this great week we will try to ascend the most spectacular summit of the island, for that we leave one of the vehicles in Gottingsvollen for the return and the other one in the starting point, in Skinvollen.

We start from Skinvollen from where we ascend following trails of cross-country skiing and then enter the west channel, premanence in the shade all this time, withstanding temperatures of -10ºC. Soon we find a first reslate that is avoided flanking to the right, we decided to put the blades as it is quite hard.

We reach a new terrace where the slope softens and an ice wall closes the pass in front of us, on the right side a line of snow between two rocks marks the stretch to follow, we flank on the right to reach some softer slopes than They carry the sun, our feet and hands are grateful.

A couple of zetas leave us at the entrance to the South Gully (south corridor), we can see the summit from there.

But there is a long stretch to go to the top 200m of altitude for the whole team (9 components). We continue with the skis until under some stones. There we made the transition to crampons and ice ax. We open our trail to the base of the pass, from there we go up an icy area to the pass.

From the hill there is still a steep section to the summit, we carefully overcome the steep section that separates us from the spectacular summit. The views from the Geitgaljetind (1085m) are impressive.

We can not delay as bad weather enters. We descend carefully to face the South corridor.

The South Gully presents a very steep initial section, a 45º corridor, but the snow is in good condition. After passing this narrow stretch the snow is somewhat more heavy.

We end up entering a closed forest that makes us sweat, before reaching the teepee that marks the end, it's time to put on the skins to go back to where we have the car.

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Comments  (3)

  • zeruak Dec 22, 2022

    Puerta contactar contigo para una pregunta de lofoten?

  • Photo of igertu
    igertu Dec 26, 2022

    Aupa Smzurbano

    a mi correo electronico x ejemplo igertu(arroba)gmail(punto)com

    un saludo

  • Photo of Josema Huizi
    Josema Huizi Mar 28, 2023

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Mila esker Igertu

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